Strasbourg, 23 March 2011 - 20th Session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe

Speech by Yavuz Selim Köşger, Director General of Local Authorities, Ministry of the Interior of Turkey, on behalf of the chairman of the Committee of Ministers

Mr President,

Distinguished members of the Congress,

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is indeed a pleasure for me to address the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities on behalf of the Turkish Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers.

This is an important time for the Council of Europe.  Review, reform and renovation are actively under way within the Organisation.  The aim is to make it more efficient, more relevant and more visible in a contemporary Europe so that it becomes an organisation able to respond swiftly and efficiently to the challenges with which the member states and 800 million Europeans are faced. This is one of the priorities of Turkey’s chairmanship  as well.

The Committee of Ministers welcomes the commitment of the Congress to this reform process, and the prompt and important decisions it has already taken with regard to its own structure, functioning and priorities.   Whilst enhancing its most crucial tasks, such as monitoring the implementation of the European Charter of Local Self-Government and observing local elections, the Congress has also looked to streamlining its thematic activities to ensure that they contribute to our core objectives.  These developments, together with the determination to foster dialogue, synergies and cooperation with the Committee of Ministers’ itself, are a clear  indication of the Congress’ commitment to actively contribute to increasing the standing and credibility of the Organisation. 

Bringing forward the reform process is one of the priorities of the Turkish Chairmanship, together with the reform of the European Court of Human Rights, strengthening the independent monitoring mechanisms, accession of the EU to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and addressing challenges of multicultural European societies.

These priorities closely espouse those of the Committee of Ministers as well as the vision and strategy of the Secretary General for the Organisation.  In line with these priorities, the Chairmanship welcomes the particularly pertinent agenda of your session this week.  This again is evidence of the Congress’ efforts to focus on our common objectives.  The members of the Congress will also discuss the state of local and regional democracy in four countries including Turkey. 

Mr. President,

I would now refer to some issues of particular importance for the Committee of Ministers, some of which are under discussion this week.

The first is the debate which took place yesterday, with the participation of the Human Right Commissioner, on human rights action at the local and regional level. Those discussions were one further step by the Congress on the role of local and regional authorities in furthering human rights protection for Europe’s citizens.  Human rights at local level was also the theme of this year’s European local democracy week. Raising awareness and interest in the meaning of human rights on the local level is indeed very important.  For knowledge is empowerment,  It is only in knowing what human rights are about, that authorities and citizens can seek to protect or enjoy them.   

I would also like to mention in this context a particularly useful exchange of views which Mr Lars Molin, the Chair of the Congress’ Monitoring Committee, had only just last week with the Committee of Ministers Rapporteur Group on Human Rights. This too was a good opportunity to discuss the role of local and regional authorities in the implementation of human rights, and will hopefully help the Congress in defining its own approach in this area in co-operation with the rest of the Organisation. 

For it is in our local communities, our villages, towns and cities that elected representatives must respond to expectations with regard to health, education, employment or housing.  At the same time they must show vigilance with a view to protecting the more vulnerable so that inclusive, participate, tolerant and non-discriminate societies can be cultivated. 

These are heavy responsibilities, and not always easy ones, particularly under the current social and economic pressures from which few are spared.  But they must be assumed, if we are to cultivate the type of society to which we all aspire – socially responsible and based on human rights, democracy and the rule of law.  

This brings me on to the second theme to which I should like to refer, that concerning the situation of Roma in Europe.   As you are aware, implementing the Strasbourg Declaration, adopted last October following a high level meeting on Roma, is a political priority for the Committee of Ministers.  Roma are the most marginalised group in Europe, very often excluded or poorly treated in schools, housing, health care and employment.   They face discrimination and racism.  They are frequently victims of hate speech, harassment and even violence and abuse.  It is absolutely imperative that the situation of Roma in member states be improved in real terms.  Our ambitions to improve the lives and protect the fundamental rights of Roma must move forward from theory into practice with concrete projects.

But to do that, the active contribution and commitment of local and regional authorities are crucial, particularly with regard to social inclusion.  Raising the question of Roma amongst the priorities of the Congress’ is therefore a welcome development.  The Bureau’s recent exchange of views with the Secretary General’s special representative on Roma issues is another positive step on behalf of the Congress.  It is also a good opportunity to show how the Organisation can have a real impact on the ground when all its sectors work each in their own capacity, but in a transversal manner, towards the same goals. 

The third topic which I should like to mention concerns inter-faith and intercultural tensions at local level.  As I already mentioned, challenges of multicultural European societies is one of the priorities of our Chairmanship.   Multicultural and multi-religious societies – together with the contributing factors such as migration, mobility and globalisation – are an inherent part of today’s world. 

In this respect, we are all witnesses of the fact that Europe is now facing resurgence of intolerance and discrimination. Over the past few years, all Council of Europe member states have been affected by deteriorating social ties, radicalisation and polarized perceptions and bias towards other cultures or faiths within our societies.   These are worrying developments and cannot be ignored.  Again, it is also at the local level that authorities have to meet and address the problems arising from intercultural tensions.  Where solutions need to be found to foster integration and promote tolerance amongst citizens of different cultural, ethnic or religious backgrounds.  

Ladies and gentlemen,

To address challenges such as these, the Turkish Chairmanship believes that the Council of Europe has a particularly important role to play.  I would like to recall that a “Group of Eminent Persons” chaired by Mr. Joschka Fischer, the former Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany, has been set up.  The group is expected to bring a new perspective to current problems and offer a new model of “living together” and to prepare a report as a basis for possible future Council of Europe action.   The report will be examined at the ministerial session which will take place in Istanbul in May.  I am sure that the report and any resulting decisions that may be taken with regard to its follow-up will be of particular relevance and interest to the future work of the Congress.

I would now mention a fourth and final issue, which concerns the Council of Europe’s neighbourhood policy.  So far, relationships with neighbouring regions have developed largely on ad hoc basis.  The recent changes in the Southern Mediterranean, where people have shown the determination for their freedom and their rights, and the potential impact on Council of Europe member states call for a more coherent neighbourhood policy to support democratic reforms in these regions.

The Committee is therefore currently looking to develop a coherent and focused neighbourhood policy which would govern future relations and

co-operation with neighbouring states, be it in the Southern Mediterranean and the Middle East, but also in Central Asia. In that sense, Foreign Minister Davutoğlu and Secretary General Jagland’s visit to Tunisia last month has been timely and pertinent both to the making of this policy and to show that the Council of Europe does not remain indifferent  to the developments in the neighbouring regions.     

The Committee of Ministers encourages the Congress, within its remits, to co-operate with our neighbouring countries in order to promote the values of the Organisation.

Mr. President,

Distinguished members,

The Council of Europe is at an exciting juncture.  The dynamics of the Organisation are changing.  The objective is to reaffirm its raison d’être by refocusing on the things it does best, and which are relevant and of added value.  The Committee of Ministers is encouraged by the fact that each sector of the Organisation, including the Congress, has brought its own contribution to this process.  It hopes that these efforts will bear fruit and that the Council of Europe’s crucial role in the European architecture will be preserved and strengthened. Thus, we believe, the Council of Europe will mean even more to the 800 million Europeans.  

I wish you very constructive and innovative debates this week and thank you for your attention.