Strasbourg, 9 December 2016                                                         CDDG(2016)30




14-15 November 2016

1.            Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda

The meeting was opened by the Chair, Mr Paul Rowsell, who welcomed the participants, in particular Mr Peter Andre (Austria), who was attending the Committee meeting for the first time, and Mr Luis Leite Ramos, on behalf of the Parliamentary Assembly.

The list of participants is given at Appendix I.

The Committee adopted its agenda as it appears at Appendix II.

Mrs Snežana Samardžić-Marković, Director General of Democracy, referred to the thematic  exchanges of views with ministers as major opportunities for the Committee to strengthen its work with and for member States on topical issues and praised the CDDG for the rapidity and efficiency with which it had prepared the draft Guidelines on civil participation the adoption of which was on the agenda of the meeting.

2.         Promoting democratic governance through shared experience

2.1     Administrative and local government reforms

Mr Bledar Çuçi, Minister of State for Local Government (Albania) provided an overview of the territorial and administrative reform in Albania, resulting in the amalgamation of 373 municipalities into 61, the transfer of additional competences to communes and the reform of local finance. The reform entered into force in June 2015 and already delivered positive results in terms of reduced public expenditure, streamlined procedures and better tax collection.

Mr Çuçi thanked individual donor States and major international agencies for assistance and support and in particular the Council of Europe which, through the Centre of Expertise for local government reform, delivered legal advice and helped in implementing local public service reform.

Mr Luis Leite Ramos (Parliamentary Assembly) acknowledged the importance of the reform undertaken by Albania and recalled the work of the Assembly on such issues as metropolitan areas, culture and democracy and the risks for democracy as a result of social exclusion.

2.2     From public ethics at local level to ethics in public life

Discussion of this item was postponed due to lack of time.

2.3     Democratic governance of metropolitan areas and transfrontier territories

Mr Paul Hildreth (United Kingdom) made a presentation on the trends towards growing urban areas across Europe and their consequences for policy makers in terms of economic growth, societal changes and governance. Members contributed to the discussion with additional examples from their respective countries.

The Committee agreed to hold a conference on governance of metropolitan areas in 2017, possibly hosted by a member State, on the basis of a report to be prepared by Mr Hildreth. Delegations will be invited to contribute case studies and experience including by updating their replies to the 2015 questionnaire.

The presentations by the speakers are available on the CDDG website.

3.         Developing tools on good democratic governance and supporting reforms

3.1     Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform

The Committee took note of the Centre’s activities as set out in document CDDG(2016)17.  The Secretariat highlighted the significant number of requests received for assistance also in areas such as inter-municipal cooperation and local finance benchmarking.

Member States emphasized the importance of the Centre’s contributions to important reforms as well as the excellent cooperation.

The Committee expressed its support for the tangible contribution to good governance provided by the Centre. It reiterated the importance for suggestions and contributions by CDDG delegations in relation to peer reviews, the revision of existing toolkits as well as the toolkit on amalgamation currently under preparation.

The CDDG invited the Secretariat to present proposals to further promote the Centre’s activities at its next meeting.

3.2     Strengthening e-governance in member States

The debate on e-governance in member states was introduced by Ms Milena Harito, Minister of State for Innovation and Public Administration of Albania, who presented recent reforms in the field of access to jobs in civil service, digitization of administrative paperwork, electronic delivery of documents. This resulted in enhanced efficiency, savings with subsequent reallocation of resources and greater citizen satisfaction.

Three experts – Ms Marília Maciel, Ms Katrin Nyman-Metcalf and Mr Matthias Neutzner – presented both the conceptual and the practical sides of e-governance with particular emphasis on the cases of Estonia and Germany. The main lessons learned were the need for strategic planning, continuity in implementation and attention to the needs of clients/citizens.

The Committee found of particular interest the toolkit developed by the German authorities and wished the members to contribute to a specific e-governance toolkit. On the basis of collected information and examples, the Secretariat will present initial proposals for such a toolkit at the Committee’s next meeting.

The presentations by the speakers are available on the CDDG website.

3.3     Report on the 2nd meeting of the Ad hoc committee of experts on legal,          operational and technical standards for e-voting (CAHVE)

The Committee noted that CAHVE had adopted a draft recommendation replacing current recommendation(2004)11 on e-voting, which includes updated guidelines. These will be submitted to the Committee of Ministers in early 2017.

4.         Overview of the CDDG activities

4.1     State of implementation of the CDDG programme of activities 2016-2017

The Committee took note of the information provided in document CDDG(2016)19. It recalled the importance of the Structure and Operation reports and urged the members to check the validity of their country’s current versions on line, with a view to submitting updated versions as appropriate.

4.2     Civil Participation in political decision-making

Ms Alexandra-Luminita Petrescu, State Secretary in the Ministry for Public Consultation and Civil Dialogue of Romania, made a presentation of recent measures adopted to strengthen access to information, enhance transparency, institutional capacity and support for NGOs to build sustainable partnerships. A number of tools were also made available to local authorities to assist them.

Following in-depth examination of the draft guidelines prepared by the joint working group, the committee identified points that required further detailed attention. The Secretariat was instructed to update the guidelines in the light of the comments and observations presented by the member States and to circulate them to all delegations for comment electronically.

The revised guidelines and possible comments thereto would be examined by a drafting group composed of five member States. Additional member States wishing to participate in the work of the drafting group could do so without defrayal of expenses. The final version of the draft guidelines would then be presented to the CDDG for adoption at its spring meeting, before transmission to the Committee of Ministers.

The Parliamentary Assembly, the Congress and the Conference of INGOs would also be invited to attend.

The Secretariat was instructed to consult the legal department of the Council or Europe as to the legal status of the guidelines and the possible implications for member States and the Court in relation to case-law on a right to participate.

4.3     Revision of Committee of Ministers’ Recommendation CM/Rec(2001)19 on the participation of citizens in local public life

The Committee discussed the composition, modalities of work and timetable of the working group: it would be composed of five representatives nominated by the CDDG whose costs would be covered by the Council of Europe budget and additional representatives were welcome to attend at their own cost. The Parliamentary Assembly, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, the Conference of INGOs, the Court of Human Rights, the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights and the Venice Commission were invited to send representatives.

An expert would prepare for the first meeting of the working group in March a report on the areas and topics of the Recommendation which might require updating. The working group would then submit to the Spring meeting of the CDDG a report whether and what kind of revision of the Recommendation is necessary. The CDDG would give instructions to the working group and expert on the substance of the revision. The working group would hold two more meetings in June and September and submit to the CDDG Autumn meeting a revised text of the Recommendation to allow the CDDG to finalise it by the end of the year 2017.

Member States are invited, also in the light of their experience with the implementation of the Recommendation, to submit by 9 January 2017 their own proposals for possible changes – be it in terms of additions or parts to be reviewed.

The working group’s terms of reference are presented in Appendix III

4.4     Compendium of the most relevant Council of Europe texts in the area of         democracy

Discussion of this item was postponed due to a lack of time.

4.5     Strategy for Innovation and Good Governance

Discussion of this item was postponed due to lack of time.

4.6     Equality

Ms Hanna Duffy (United Kingdom) was appointed as gender equality rapporteur to replace Ms Aisling Lyon (United Kingdom).

5.         Consideration by the Committee of Ministers of issues relating to the       work   of the CDDG

The Committee noted the Committee of Ministers’ request for possible comments in relation to Congress’ Recommendation 392 (2016) on Good Governance in metropolitan areas. It requested the Secretariat to draw up draft comments on the basis of the elements presented in document CDDG(2016)24 and circulate it for approval by all members through the written procedure before 21 December 2016.

The draft comments by the CDDG to the Committee of Ministers are set out in Appendix IV.

6.         Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers

The CDDG’s attention was drawn to the European Conference on “Inter-municipal cooperation and good governance: Cyprus and the European experience” to be held on 8 February 2017 in Nicosia in the framework of the Chairmanship of Cyprus of the Committee of Ministers. Member States would be welcome to attend.

The Committee agreed to contribute to the organisation of the event.

The Secretariat was asked to circulate document CDDG(2016)25 to the members once the relevant information was published by the Committee of Ministers (see Appendix V).

7.         Election of the Chair, Vice-Chair and two members of the Bureau

The Committee elected Mr Paul Rowsell (United Kingdom) as Chair and Mr Paul-Henri Philips (Belgium) as Vice-Chair for 2017 and two Bureau members: Mr Damien Feraille (France), in replacement of Mr Balthasar for the remainder of the mandate (2017) and Mr Georgios Chrysafis (Greece) for the period 2017-2018.

8.         Request for observer status

The Committee agreed to grant observer status to the European Council of Spatial Planners (ECTP-CEU).

9.         Other business

Information about the activities of other Council of Europe bodies

The Committee took note of the information contained in document CDDG(2016)29.

The Representative for the Congress recalled the work in relation to metropolitan territories and ethics and drew the members’ attention to the joint Conference of the Committee of the Regions and the Congress to be held in Brussels in February 2017.

Bureau meeting report

The CDDG took note of the report of the Bureau meeting held on 30 September 2016 (CDDG-Bu(2016)20).

Recent developments in member States


Date of the next meeting

The members were informed that the next meeting of the CDDG would take place in May 2017. The date will be set quickly in coordination with the Chairman and communicated to the Committee.  

Any other item

Adoption of the abridged meeting report

The CDDG adopted this meeting report.





Mr Paul ROWSELL, Deputy Director, Democracy, Department for Communities and Local Government, 2nd Floor NE Corner, Fry Building, 2 Marsham St, LONDON

Tel: +44 (0)303 444 2568; Email: [email protected]


Mr Bledar ÇUÇI, Minister of State for Local Government

Dr Milena HARITO, Minister of State for Innovation and Public Administration

Mr Enea HOTI, Senior Advisor to the Minister for Local Issues, Prime Minister’s Office, Bulevardi Dehmoret e Kombit, TIRANA

Tel: (355) 4 2277561; E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Ambassador Ardiana HOBDARI, Permanent Mission of Albania to the Council of Europe

Ms Alma KASA, Permanent Representation of Albania to the Council of Europe

Mr Florian SERJANI, Advisor to Minister Harito

Mr Artan SHKEMBI, Head of Albanian Territorial Reform Implementation Agency


Apologised for absence / excusé


Mr Vache TERTERYAN, First Vice-Minister for Territorial Administration and emergency situation, 10, Republic Square, Government House 2, YEREVAN

Tel.: (37410) 511 303; E-mail: [email protected]


Mr Peter ANDRE, Bundesministerium für Inneres, Leiter der Abteilung III/1 - Legistik

1010 Wien, Herrengasse 7

Tel.: 43 01 53126 – 2495; Fax: 43 01/53126 – 2615; E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Stefan GÖLLER, Vienna City Administration, Municipal Department 27, European Affairs, Schlesingerplatz 2, A – 1082 WIEN

Tel: (43) 1 4000 27045 ; Fax: (43) 1 4000 7215; E-mail: [email protected]


Mr Bahadur KERIMOV, Leading adviser, Centre of work with municipalities, Ministry of Justice, B. Safaroglu str. 141, AZ BAKU 1009

Tel: (994) 12 5949076; Mobile : (994) 50 4165680; E-mail: [email protected]


M. Xavier KALBUSCH, Ministerium der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft, Gospert 1, 4700 EUPEN

Tél : (32) (0)87 59 63 00 ; Fax : (32) (0)87 55 28 91 ;

E-mail : [email protected]; [email protected]

Mr Edwin LEFEBRE, Deputy of the Director, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Flemish Region, Agency for Home Affairs, Boudewijnlaan 30, B - 1000 BRUSSELS

Tel : (32) 499 77 34 39; Fax :(32) 2 553 39 52; E-mail : [email protected]


H.E. Ambassador Almir ŠAHOVIĆ, Assistant Minister for Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, SARAJEVO

E-mail: [email protected]


Mrs Stanislava ATANASOVA, Senior Expert, Directorate General of Strategic Planning of

Regional Development and Administrative-territorial Structure, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, SOFIA

Tel: +359 2 9405 428; +359 885 851 829; E-mail: [email protected]


Apologised for absence / excuse


Apologised for absence / excusé


Mr Petr FEJTEK, Department for Strategic Development and Coordination of Public Administration, Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic, nám. Hrdinů 3, 140 21 Praha 4
Tel.: + 420 974 816 267; Fax: + 420 974 916 632; E-mail:
[email protected]


Mr Henrik Villum JENSEN, Ministry of Social Affairs and the Interior, Holmens Kanal 22, 1060, COPENHAGEN K

Tel: (45) 41851411; E-mail: [email protected]


Mr Kaur KAASIK-AASLAV, Adviser to the Regional Administration Department, Ministry of Finance, Endla 13, TALLINN, 10122

Tel: (372) 611 3078; E-mail: [email protected]


Ms Inga NYHOLM, Ministerial adviser, Department for Local Government and Regional administration, Ministry of Finance, PO Box 28, FIN – 00023 GOVERNMENT

Tel: (358) 40 760 5524; E-mail: [email protected]


M. Damien FERAILLE, Bureau des structures territoriales, Direction Générale des Collectivités locales, Ministère de l'Intérieur, 1 bis, place des Saussaies, F - 75800 PARIS

Tel: (33) 01 49 27 31 78 ; E-mail: [email protected]


Mr Giorgi DIDIDZE, Deputy Head, Department of Euro-integration, Reforms and Innovations, Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure, 12 Kazbegi, TBILISI 0160

Tel: (995) 577 112 145; E-mail: [email protected]


Mrs Kristina SCHADE, Division O2, Better regulation, bureaucracy reduction; Act on E-Government; local matters, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Alt-Moabit 101, D-10559 BERLIN

Tel: (49) 30 18 6811 12137; E-mail: [email protected]

Mrs Gabriele STELLMACHER, Representative of the „Laender“ (States), Ministry of the Interior and Sports of Lower Saxony, Department for Local Government Affairs, Lavesallee 6, 30169 HANNOVER

Tel: (49) (0) 511 120 4640; E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Matthias NEUTZNER, Project manager, Municipal E-Government Initiative, Harz University of Applied Sciences, 38855 Wernigerode

Mobil: +49 (0)172 5383465; E-mail: [email protected]


Mr Georgios CHRYSAFIS, Directorate of Organisation and Functionning of Local Government, Ministry of the Interior, 27, Stadiou Str., 10183 Athens

Tel: (30) 21 31 36 43 95; Mobile: (30) 69 76 40 60 27; E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected]


Ms Nikolett GAÁL, Desk officer for International Relations, Prime Minister’s Office, Department for Territorial Public Administration Development, Kossuth tér 2-4, 1055 – BUDAPEST

Tel: +361 795 6252; Email: [email protected]


Mrs Stefanía TRAUSTADÓTTIR, Local Government, Department of Human Rights and Local Government, Ministry of the Interior, Sölvhólsgötu 7, 101 REYKJAVÍK

E-mail: [email protected]


Mr Denis CONLAN, Head of Local Government Development, Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government, Custom House, EI – DUBLIN

Tel: (353 1) 888 2186; E-mail: [email protected]


Mr Francesco GIUSTINO, Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, D.A.R. - Ufficio Attività Internazionali, ROMA

Tel. +39.06.6779.5130; E-mail: [email protected]


Ms Agnese PABERZA DRAUDINA, senior expert, Local Governments Department, Local Governments Supervision and Methodology Division, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Peldu street 25, LV – 1494 RIGA

Tel : (371) 66016784; E-mail: [email protected]

Mrs Fatma FRIDENBERGA, Riga City Council Legal Office, Ratslaukums 1, LV - 1539 RIGA

Tel: (371) 6 7026022; Fax: (371) 6 7026326; E-mail: [email protected]


Mr Paulius SKARDŽIUS, Director of Public Governance Policy Department, Ministry of the Interior, Šventaragio Str. 2, LT - 01510 VILNIUS, LITHUANIA

Tel: (370) 5 271 7071; Fax: (370) 5 271 8915; E-mail: [email protected]


Apologised for absence / excusé


Apologised for absence / excusé


Mme Victoria CUJBA, Chef, Direction des politiques de décentralisation, Chancellerie d’Etat, 1, Piaţa Marii Adunări Naţionale, MD – 2033 CHISINAU

Tel: (373) 22 250 583 / (373) 69480105; E-mail: [email protected]


Mrs Olivera GRBOVIĆ, Head of Department, Directorate for State Administration and Local Self-Government, Ministry of Interior of Montenegro, Bulevar Sv. Petra Cetinjskog 22, 81000 PODGORICA

Tel: (382) 20 243 445; Fax: (382) 20 225 518; Mobile: (382) 67 677 407;

E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]


Mr Jan Willem KOOISTRA, Deputy Head Section Democracy, Democracy and Citizenship Department, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

Tel: 31 6 27 06 51 59; E-mail: [email protected]


Mrs Greta Ulland BILLING, Senior International Adviser, Department for Local Government, Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation, Postbox 8112 DEP, N - 0032 OSLO

Tel: (47) 22 24 72 25; Mobile: (47) 92 61 37 27; Fax: (47) 22 24 27 35;

E-mail: [email protected]


Mrs Monika STURLIS-GUMIENICZEK, Chief Specialist, Department of Public Administration, Ministry of the Interior and Administration, WARSAW

Tel: + 48 22 556 84 85 ; E-mail: [email protected]


Mr Jorge Abreu SIMÕES, Senior Adviser in the General Directorate for Local Authorities and national representative in the CDGG, Direcçấo-Geral das Autarquias Locais, Rua Tenente Espanca, N° 20, 3.° Andar, 1050-223 LISBOAP – 1169-058 LISBOA

Tel: (351) 21313061; E-mail: [email protected]


Ms Alexandra-Luminița PETRESCU, State Secretary, Ministry for Public Consultation and Civil Dialogue, BUCAREST

Tel : 40 21 314 34 00 ; E-mail : [email protected]

Ms Raluca SIMBOTIN, Adviser to the Minister of Public Consultation and Civil Dialogue, BUCAREST


Mr Vladimir LEBEDENKO, Deputy Director, Department for relations with the subjects of the Federation, Parliament, political and public Organisations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Arbat Street 57, 119200 MOSCOW

Tel: 7.499.244.35.70; Fax: 7.499.244.44.78; E-mail: [email protected]


Apologised for absence / excusé


Mrs Milica MARKOVIĆ, Independent Advisor, Improvement of work of administration in Local Self-government units, Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-government

Bircaninova 6, 11 000 Belgrade

Tel:  +381 11 3620-140; M: +381 (0) 64 8135 007;

E-mail: [email protected]


Apologised for absence / excusé


Mr Jurij MEZEK, Senior Adviser, Office for Local Self-Government, Ministry of Public Administration, Tržaška cesta 19, 1501 LJUBLJANA, Slovenia

Tel: + 386 1 4788351; E-mail: [email protected]


Mrs Natalia LAS HERAS OLIETE, Deputy Director for Institutional Relations, DG for the Coordination of Competences with Autonomous Communities and Local Entities, Ministry of Finance and Public Administration, MADRID

Tel: (34) 91 273 57 06/14; E-mail: [email protected]


Ms Maria ANTONSSON, Desk Officer, Ministry of Finance, Department of Public Administration, Local Government Division, STOCKHOLM

Tel: 46 8 405 30 63; E-mail: [email protected]


Mr Robert BAUMANN, Senior Advisor, Federal Office of Justice, Bundesrain 20, CH – 3003 BERNE

Tél : (41) 58 462 41 61 ; Fax : (41) 58 462 84 01 ;

E-mail : [email protected]

Mrs Deborah KERN, Head of Governance and Health Sector, Swiss Embassy, Tirana


Apologised for absence / excusé


Mr Levent YAZICI, Head of Division, Ministry of the Interior, ANKARA

Tel: 90 312 422 43 40; Fax: 90 312 425 09 54; E-mail: [email protected]


Ms Olena KUCHERENKO, Director of the Department of the Regional Development, Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services

Tel: + 38 (044) 278 7107; E-mail: [email protected]


Ms Hannah DUFFY, Senior policy advisor, Governance Reform and Democracy Unit, Department for Communities and Local Government, 2nd Floor NE Corner, Fry Building, 2 Marsham St, LONDON

Tel: +44 (0)303 444 43861; Email : [email protected]



Mr Luis Leite RAMOS, Member of the Portuguese parliament, General Rapporteur on Local and Regional Authorities of the Parliamentary Assembly

Mrs Maren LAMBRECHT-FEIGL, Secretary to the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development

Tel: (33) 3 90 21 47 78; Fax: (33) 3 90 21 56 49; E-mail: [email protected]


Mr Andreas KIEFER, Secretary General / Secrétaire Général

Tel: +33 (0)3 88 41 22 48; Fax: +33 (0)3 88 41 27 51;

E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Tim LISNEY, Deputy Secretary of the Chamber of Local Authorities / Secrétaire adjoint de la Chambre des pouvoirs locaux – Secretary of the Governance Committee / Secrétaire de la Commission de la gouvernance

Tel: (33); Fax: (33); E-mail: [email protected]

Mme Marianne BENDERRA, Co-Secretary of the Governance Committee

E-mail: [email protected]

Ms Lena SABADEL, Trainee, Governance and Current Affairs Committee


Mme Anne-Marie CHAVANON, Présidente de la Commission démocratie, cohésion sociale et enjeux mondiaux, FIHUAT/COFHUAT, 21 boulevard de Grenelle, 75015 PARIS

Tél. (33) 1 77 10 17 45, (33) 6 60 76 86 14; E-mail: [email protected]



Mr Daniele DOTTO, Country Coordinator – Greece, Head of Unit – Governance and Public Administration, Structural Reform Support Service, European Commission

Tel: 32 2 29 62701; E-mail: [email protected]


M. Lorenzo BOTRUGNO, Stagiaire, Représentation Permanente du Saint-Siège auprès du Conseil de l’Europe, 2 rue Lenôtre, 67000 STRASBOURG


Apologised for absence / excuse



Mme Nathalie NOUPADJA, Square de Meeûs 1, 1000 BRUXELLES

E-mail : [email protected]


Ms Tiina KUKKAMAA-BAH, Chief of Democratic Governance and Gender Unit, Miodowa 10, PL-00-251 WARSAW

Tél: 48 22 5200 700; E-mail: [email protected]


Mr Paul HILDRETH, Doctoral Researcher, Bartlett School of Planning / University College London, Room 601 / Central House, 14 Upper Woburn Place/ London / WC1H OBQ

Tel: +44 (0) 7990551789; E-mail: [email protected]

Ms Marília MACIEL, Senior Researcher, Digital Policy, Diplo Foundation, Switzerland
E-mail: [email protected]

Ms Katrin NYMAN-METCALF, Head of Research, E-Governance Academy, Tallinn, Estonia

E-mail: [email protected]


Mrs Snežana SAMARDŽIĆ-MARKOVIĆ, Director General of Democracy (DG II) / Directrice Générale de la Démocratie (DG II)

Tel : +33 (0)3 88 41 22 36 ; E-mail : [email protected]

Ms Claudia LUCIANI, Director of Democratic Governance / Directrice de la gouvernance démocratique / Directorate General of Democracy / Direction générale de la démocratie

Tel : +33 (0)3 88 41 21 49 ; Fax : +33 (0)3 88 41 27 55;

E-mail : [email protected]

Mr Alfonso ZARDI, Head of Democratic Institutions and Governance Department / Chef du Service des institutions et de la gouvernance démocratiques - Directorate of Democratic Governance / Direction de la gouvernance démocratique, Directorate General of Democracy / Direction générale de la démocratie

Tel : +33 (0)3 88 41 39 06; Fax : +33 (0)3 88 41 27 84; E-mail : [email protected]

Mrs Jutta GÜTZKOW, Head of Good Governance Division / Chef de la Division de la bonne gouvernance - Directorate of Democratic Governance / Direction de la gouvernance démocratique, Directorate General of Democracy / Direction générale de la démocratie

Tel: +33 (0)3 88 41 29 10; E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Theo WELS - Directorate of Democratic Governance / Direction de la gouvernance démocratique, Directorate General of Democracy / Direction générale de la démocratie

Tel: +33 (0)3 90 21 53 04 ; Fax: +33 (0)3 88 41 27 84; E-mail: [email protected]

Mme Isabelle ETTER - Assistant / Assistante

E-mail : [email protected]




Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda

[CDDG(2016)OJ2 rev.]

For adoption





Promoting democratic governance through shared experience

Administrative and local government reforms

With the participation of:

-      Mr Bledar Çuçi, Minister of State for Local Government, Albania

-      Mr Luis Leite Ramos, General Rapporteur on Local and Regional Authorities of the Parliamentary Assembly (Portugal)

-      Ms Samardžić-Marković, Director General of Democracy - DGII, Council of Europe

From public ethics at local level to ethics in public life

With the participation of:

-    Mr Gianluca Esposito, Executive Secretary of the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO), Council of Europe

Democratic governance of metropolitan areas and transfrontier territories

-  Exchange of experiences

With the participation of:

-      Professor Paul Hildreth (Chair, Policy Committee of the Regional Studies Association, United Kingdom)



For discussion and action

For discussion and action





Developing tools on good democratic governance and supporting reforms

Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform

-      Activities in the second half 2016 and perspectives for 2017

Strengthening e-governance in member States

With the participation of:

-      Ms Marília Maciel, Digital Policy Senior Researcher, DiploFoundation, Switzerland

-      Dr Milena Harito, Minister of State for Innovation and Public Administration, Albania

-      Ms Katrin Nyman-Metcalf PhD, Head of Research, e-Governance Academy, Estonia

-      Mr Matthias Neutzner, Project manager, Municipal E-Government Initiative, Harz University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Report on the 2nd meeting of the Ad hoc committee of experts on legal, operational and technical standards for e-voting (CAHVE)



For information

and discussion

For discussion and action

For information








Overview of the CDDG activities

State of implementation of the CDDG programme of activities 2016-2017

Civil Participation in political decision-making

-  Exchange of experience regarding civil participation in Romania with the participation of Ms Alexandra-Luminita Petrescu; State Secretary in the Ministry for Public Consultation and Civil Dialogue, Romania

-  Draft guidelines

Revision of Committee of Ministers’ Recommendation CM/Rec(2001)19 on the participation of citizens in local public life

-  Preparation of work

Compendium of the most relevant Council of Europe texts in the area of democracy

-  Follow-up to be given

Strategy for Innovation and Good Governance:

- Promotion of the Twelve Principles of good democratic governance


- Appointment of a Gender Equality Rapporteur







For information and/or action

For discussion and action

For discussion and decision

For discussion and action

For discussion and/or action

For decision





Consideration by the Committee of Ministers of issues relating to the work of the CDDG

Decisions by the Committee of Ministers

Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers

Activities implemented under the Chairmanship of Estonia (18 May 2016 – 22 November 2016)

Priorities of the Chairmanship of Cyprus (22 November 2016 – 19 May 2017)



For discussion and action

For information



Election of the Chair, Vice-Chair and two members of the Bureau

Request for observer status

-      Submitted by the European Council of Spatial Planner (ECTP-CEU)



For election

For decision


Other business

-  Information about other Council of Europe bodies

-  Bureau meeting report

-  Recent developments in member States

-  Date of the next meeting

-  Any other item

-  Adoption of the abridged meeting report




For information

For information

For adoption


Terms of Reference

Working Group on the Revision of Recommendation CM/Rec(2001)19 on participation of citizens in local public life


Under its terms of reference for 2016-2017, the European Committee on Democracy and Governance (CDDG) has been entrusted with the task to “Revise Committee of Ministers’ Recommendation Rec(2001)19 on the participation of citizens in local public life” (specific task v).

The CDDG, at its meeting on 7-8 December 2015, agreed that this should be examined by a working group following the drawing up of guidelines on meaningful participation of civil society in political decision-making (specific task vii).

Following the presentation of the proposals for the draft guidelines to the CDDG at its meeting of 14-15 November 2016, the group shall now start the work in relation to the revision of Recommendation CM/Rec(2001)19.

Modalities for the revision of Recommendation CM/Rec(2001)19 on participation of citizens in local public life

The working group shall refer to the draft guidelines on civil participation in political decision-making and, as a useful source of inspiration, to a number of relevant texts adopted since 2001 such as the Additional Protocol to the European Charter of Local Self-Government on the right to participate in the affairs of a local authority (CETS 207); the Code of Good Practice for Civil Participation in the Decision-making Process (Conference of INGOs in October 2009); the Committee of Ministers’ Declaration of 21 October 2009 endorsing the Code of Good Practice; the C.L.E.A.R. tool (Centre of Expertise); the guidelines for meaningful civil participation in political-decision-making as well as the Overview of Standards and Practices in Council of Europe Member States on Civil participation in decision-making processes prepared for the CDDG working group on the abovementioned Guidelines.

The Secretariat, in cooperation with an expert, will prepare for the first meeting of the working group a report on the areas and topics of the Recommendation that might require updating.

Member States are invited, also in the light of their experience with the implementation of the Recommendation, to submit by 9 January 2017 their own proposals for possible changes – be it in terms of additions or parts to be reviewed.

Composition and working methods

As regards the composition and timetable, the CDDG, at its meeting on 14-15 November 2016, decided that the working group should be “composed of five representatives nominated by the CDDG whose costs would be covered by the Council of Europe budget and additional representatives were welcome to attend at their own cost. The Parliamentary Assembly, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, the Conference of INGOs, the Court of Human Rights, the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights and the Venice Commission were invited to send representatives.

An expert would prepare for the first meeting of the working group in March a report on the areas and topics of the Recommendation which might require updating. The working group would then submit to the Spring meeting of the CDDG a report whether and what kind of revision of the Recommendation is necessary. The CDDG would give instructions to the working group and expert on the substance of the revision. The working group would hold two more meetings in June and September and submit to the CDDG Autumn meeting a revised text of the Recommendation to allow the CDDG to finalise it by the end of the year 2017.”

Members of the Working Group shall have:

-      extensive knowledge and experience of legislation and practices in relation to participation of citizens in local public life;

-      practical knowledge of the most recent developments in democratic decision-making processes;

-      a sound understanding of dialogue, consultation and co-operation between citizens and authorities;

-      significant expertise and sound knowledge of best practice in member states of the developments in relation to citizens’ participation.

At its first meeting, the Working Group shall elect its Chair.

The Chair shall conduct proceedings and sum up conclusions in accordance with the rules of procedure for Council or Europe intergovernmental committees (CM/Res(2011)24, Appendix 1).


The revision of Recommendation CM/Rec(2001)19 should be completed by the end of the CDDG’s current terms of reference (31 December 2017), in other words it should be ready for approval by the CDDG at its second meeting by December 2017.

In light of this, the following timetable could be considered:

-          March 2017:                      1st meeting of the working group

-          June 2017:                        2nd meeting of the working group

-          September 2017:               3rd meeting of the working group

-          December 2017:                approval of the revised text by the CDDG


Comments by the CDDG on Congress Recommendation 392 (2016) – “Good governance in metropolitan areas

1        The CDDG notes that the recommendation urges the Committee of Ministers to take action (item 12.a) and also to invitemember states to ensure and strengthen democratic governance principles, the cohesive development of their metropolitan hinterlands and the development of appropriate governance structures.

2        With a view to allowing the Committee of Ministers to respond to these requests, the CDDG wishes to draw the Committee of Ministers’ attention to the following:

3        Recommendation 392 (2016) on “Good governance in metropolitan areas” addresses important points in relation to ensuring good democratic governance and cohesive sustainable development of metropolitan areas on the basis of equitable and balanced political and public governance structures.

4        This issue is already being dealt with by the CDDG which, at its 4th meeting on 7-8 December 2015, noted that successful models of good governance in metropolitan areas would require context based solutions that reflected the specific reality of the area; effective leadership; careful planning; multi-governance approach and appropriate incentives/efforts at national and local level.

5        In 2017 a European seminar, based on member States’ experience and extensive best-practice collection, is scheduled to discuss models of governance for metropolitan areas and their hinterland.

6        On the basis of this exchange, the CDDG intends to develop guidelines and possibly other practical tools such as compilations of useful practice. This outcome could meet the wish of the Congress (12.a) that “guidelines [be drafted] for the creation and the management of governance structures of metropolitan areas […]”.

7        As regards the possible invitation to member States “to consider drafting guidelines for the cohesive development of their metropolitan hinterlands” (12.b) the CDDG notes that situations and approaches differ from State to State. The abovementioned seminar would present an opportunity for member States to exchange experience of existing rules, practice and possibly guidelines to address shared challenges and concerns.

8        Finally, the adoption and development of multilevel governance structures for metropolitan areas with clearly defined competences for the various stakeholders (12.c) depends on the needs of and expectations for each metropolitan area as assessed by member states in the national framework. Council of Europe standards and tools, including the toolkits developed by the Centre of Expertise for local government reform and, in particular, the Twelve principles of democratic governance at local level, could help inspire the choices at national level. The abovementioned seminar could also constitute a useful opportunity for sharing views on this too.



Strasbourg, 5 December 2016                                                       CDDG(2016)25

Item 6 of the agenda




Activities implemented under the Chairmanship
of Estonia


Priorities of the Chairmanship of Cyprus

For information

Secretariat Memorandum

prepared by the

Directorate General of Democracy

Democratic Institutions and Governance Department

This document is public. It will not be distributed at the meeting. Please bring this copy.

Ce document est public. Il ne sera pas distribué en réunion. Prière de vous munir de cet exemplaire.


This document aims to inform the CDDG of activities and events in the field of democracy held under the Estonian Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe from 18 May 2016 to 22 November 2016.

It further provides the CDDG with information on the priorities and activities and events scheduled under the Chairmanship of Cyprus of the Committee of Ministers from 22 November 2016 until 19 May 2017.

On 22 November 2016 in Strasbourg, at the 1271bis meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies, the outgoing Chair of the Committee of Ministers Mr Jürgen LIGI, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Estonia, gave an overview of his country’s achievements during the Estonian Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers in the following three areas:

-   Human rights and the rule of law on the Internet;

-   Gender equality;

-   Children’s rights.

Events held under the Estonian Chairmanship included the Council of Europe Intergovernmental Project: “Educating for Diversity and Democracy: Teaching history in contemporary Europe”; the Conference “Internet Freedom: A constant Factor of Democratic Security in Europe” with focus on Committee of Ministers’ Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)5 on internet Freedom; and the 3rd Council of Europe Platform Exchange on Culture and Digitisation “Culture 4D: Digitization, Data, Disruption, Diversity”. The Platform is part of the Council of Europe’s agenda to build democracy online.

Also at the 1271bis meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies, the new Chair of the Committee of Ministers, Mr Ioannis KASOULIDES, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Cyprus, presented the priorities of the Cypriot Chairmanship.

Under the overarching theme of “Reinforcing Democratic Security in Europe”, the Chairmanship will focus in particular on the following areas:

-   Rights and freedoms for all people without any discrimination;

-   Democratic citizenship; and

-   Prevalenceof the rule of law.

The aforementioned documents provide detailed overviews of scheduled activities and events. The attention of the CDDG is drawn in particular to the European Conference on “Inter-municipal cooperation and good governance: Cyprus and the European experience” on 8 February 2017 in Nicosia and which member States might wish to attend.

At its meeting on 14-15 November, the CDDG agreed to contribute to this event.

Action required

The members of the CDDG are invited to take note of the achievements under the Estonian Chairmanship and to also take note of the activities and events of interest for its work during the Chairmanship of Cyprus of the Committee of Ministers.