Strasbourg, 25 October 2012                                                                         T-PVS/Inf (2012) 20




Standing Committee

32nd meeting

Strasbourg, 27th-30th November 2012


Questionnaire for the reporting of Parties

to the Bern Convention on the implementation

of the Action Points listed in the Budapest Declaration on bird protection and power lines


prepared by

BirdLife International


for the reporting of Parties to the Bern Convention

on the implementation of the

Action Points listed in the Budapest Declaration on bird protection and power lines

[document T-PVS/Inf (2011) 14]

Contact details:



Name and position of responsible person:



Date of completing the form:

Definitions used in the questionnaire:

Transmission lines: electricity transmission is the transfer of electricity from generating power plants to high-voltage electrical substations located near demand centres. Large amounts of electricity are transmitted at high voltages (110 - 750 kV in Europe). Transmission lines mostly use high-voltage three-phase alternating current (AC).

Distribution lines: electric power distribution is carrying electricity from the transmission system to the final customers (medium voltage, less than 33 kV).

Electrocutionof birds may take place when a bird touches two phase conductors or one conductor and an earthed device simultaneously. There is a strong consensus that the risk posed to birds depends on the technical construction type and detailed design of power facilities. Electrocution mainly occurs on overhead distribution lines

Collisions by hitting overhead transmission and distribution lines cause the death or injury of bird. Species with rapid flight, and the combination of heavy body and small wings restricts swift reactions to unexpected obstacles.

Q1: In your country a national group of experts on bird safety and power lines is:

-          not identified yet, but planned for ……/….. (M/Y)

-          not identified due to lack of funding

-          not identified because no priority/ nobody available to do it

-          not identified because of lack of experts

-          identified and coordinated by: (please mention name, organisation, e-mail)





-          in your country regional groups of experts on bird safety and power lines are coordinated by: (please mention region, name, organisation, e-mail)





Q2: National bird monitoring protocol is in place for:

-          transmission lines: electrocution (yes/no) – collision (yes/no), if NO it is planned for …../…… (M/Y)

-          distribution lines: electrocution (yes/no) – collision (yes/no), if NO it is planned for …../…… (M/Y)

Q3: National experience on bird safety and power lines is recently published in:

-          publication of government agencies

-          scientific publications

-          publication of distribution companies

-          publication of transmission companies

-          other

If there are no recent publications please indicate why?





Q4: Did your country support the exchange of experience on birds and power lines with other countries?

-          is planned for …./ ……. (M/Y)

-          not planned

-          yes, please specify how:





Q5: Voluntary cooperation on bird safety and power lines between industry, public administration and civil society:

-          is planned for …./ ……. (M/Y)

-          not planned

-          yes is ongoing, please specify how:





Q6: Did your country recently support research projects of companies, scientific organisations and/or NGOs?

-          No

-          Yes, please specify how:





Q7: Monitoring of mitigating measures is carried out:

            - Yes by:         - companies

                                   - research institutes

                                   - government agencies

                                   - nature protection NGOs

                                   - other

            - No

Q8: Is the impact of railway infrastructure on electrocution and collision studied?

-          No

-          Planned for: …./…….. (M/Y)

-          Yes

If yes, please specify how and where





Q9: Underground cabling of distribution lines is promoted as standard technique

-          No

-          Yes, everywhere

-          Yes, but only in priority zones

If only in priority zones, please specify how and where:





Q10: Underground cabling of transmission lines is promoted as standard technique

-          No

-          Yes, everywhere

-          Yes, but only in priority zones

If only in priority zones, please specify how and where:





Q11: Legislation for new and fully reconstructed power lines ensures they are bird- safe by design:

-          for distribution lines: yes/no

-          for transmission lines: yes/no

If yes, please provide weblinks to the legislation.





Q12: Impact of power lines on birds is monitored:

-          No

-          Yes, by Government agencies

-          Yes, by research institutes

-          Yes, by NGOs

If yes, please provide details on the monitoring protocol.





Q13: Priority power lines to be retrofitted or changed for bird conservation and distribution are identified:

-          Yes

-          No

-          Planned for: …./…….. (M/Y)

If yes, please provide details on the prioritisation process.





Q14: Technical standards and catalogues of bird-safe power pole design and mitigation measures:

-          are being developed

-          are developed national / regional

-          are developed and implemented national/regional

If yes, please provide weblinks to the technical standards and catalogues.





Please do not hesitate to contact us to help you fill in the questionnaire or for any other questions you may have: BirdLife Europe, Willem Van den Bossche, e-mail: [email protected], Tel.: +32 2 541 07 82