Strasbourg, 27 January 2011




17th meeting of the Bureau

Paris, 25 January 2011


Report prepared by the Secretariat

Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs

1.     The Bureau of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) held its 17th meeting in Paris on 25 January 2011, with Mr John STACEY (United Kingdom), President of the CEPEJ, in the chair.

2.     The meeting was also attended by the following Bureau members:

§  Mr Georg STAWA (Austria), Vice-President of the CEPEJ;

§  Mr Irakli ADEISHVIIL (Georgia), Member;

§  Mrs Eva FERNQVIST (Sweden), Member.

3.     The agenda is appended.

1.   Information by the Bureau members and the Secretariat

4.     Georg STAWA informed the Bureau about the video-conference learning session (12 January 2011) during which he explained and discussed the CEPEJ's work to 15 World Bank's experts.

2.   Implementation of the 2011 activity programme

2.1 Calendar of meetings

5.     The meeting timetable can be consulted on the CEPEJ Internet site. The Secretariat was entrusted with envisaging the possibility of bringing together the 18th Bureau meeting and the second annual meeting of the SATURN Steering Group.  

2.2 Appointment of the experts of the working groups

6.     The full composition of the working groups for 2011, as decided by the Bureau, appears in Appendix 2.

7.     The Bureau thanked all the candidates for their interest in the work of the CEPEJ and honours, in particular, the experts who worked as members of the Groups.

8.     The Bureau entrusted the chairpersons of the working groups with the responsibility of establishing, in the future, the composition of the working groups, by providing in particular their opinion on the added value of experts wishing to renew their membership within the groups.

2.3 2010-2011 Evaluation cycle

9.     The Bureau confirmed the process for the 2010-2012 evaluation cycle:

§  finalisation of the revised scheme and the explanatory note by the CEPEJ-GT-EVAL by the beginning of May 2011 and final green light by the CEPEJ's members before 10 May 2011;

§  improvement of the electronic Scheme (Secretariat);

§  opening of the electronic Scheme to the national correspondents by mid May, with a strict

deadline on 31 December 2011 (exceptions made for federal states);

§  recruitment, in Autumn 2011, by the Secretariat, with the support of the CEPEJ-GT-EVAL, of a scientific expert to collect, process and analyse data; beginning of his/her work in January or February 2012 in Strasbourg;

§  plenary meeting of the national correspondents at the end of April – beginning of May 2012, to examine a pre-draft report;

§  draft report submitted by the CEPEJ-GT-EVAL to the 19th plenary meeting to be held mid 2012.

10.  In order to improve the collection of EUGMONT data on case flow management, the Bureau instructed the Secretariat to prepare a letter to the ministries of justice and chief justices to draw their attention on this issue, in the light of the Resolution taken by the Ministers of Justice at their 30th Conference (Istanbul, November 2010). This letter should underline the difficulties for the evaluation exercise when such data are not available. National correspondents should appear in copy of the letter.

Peer evaluations and the CEPEJ's Road Show should be used to raise awareness regarding the relevance of such data.

2.4 Organisation of the 2011 CEPEJ "Road Show"

11.  The CEPEJ's Road Show should be experimented in 2011, with the aim of improving the knowledge of the CEPEJ's tools and explaining directly to the main stakeholders in the member states how to use these tools.

12.  The targeted member states should be chosen in priority considering the other specific missions organised within the member states according to the annual activity programme, in particular:

§  peer evaluation visits (in 2011, possibly Austria, the Netherlands and Turkey),

§  targeted cooperation visits (in 2011 possibly Armenia, Azerbaijan and Malta),

§  invitation of CEPEJ to be represented in other fora (to date for 2011, Georgia and Greece).

Should it be necessary, ad hoc missions could be further organised in volunteer states.

13.  The event in a member state should be organised with the active support of the national CEPEJ's member. The standard format should be a half day seminar bringing together CEPEJ's main stakeholders, namely officials in the ministries and judicial administrations, judges, prosecutors, court clerks, lawyers. Interpretations should be ensured in one of the official languages. Main documents could be translated beforehand into the national language.

14.  The Bureau entrusted the Secretariat to prepare a tool kit for the organisers, including namely:

§  the targeted audience,

§  practical information for organising the meeting,

§  a list of CEPEJ's key tools,

§  a standard Power Point presentation which could be translated into national languages,

§  indications for evaluating the session

15.  The Road Show should be carried out by "CEPEJ ambassadors", chosen among a pool composed first of the Bureau members, the chairpersons of the working groups as well as of other experts of the working groups. The members of the pool could be invited together in a one day training session in Strasbourg.

2.5 Integration of the Lisbon Network within the CEPEJ’s activity program: definition of working modalities

16.  The Bureau agreed with the draft agenda of the forthcoming meeting of the Lisbon Network, to take place in Strasbourg on 17 February, within the framework of the CEPEJ-GT-QUAL meeting.

2.6 Targeted cooperation

17.  The Secretariat is waiting for further information to be given by Armenia and Azerbaijan who requested targeted cooperation with the CEPEJ.

18.  The follow-up to the CEPEJ experts visit in Malta to discuss the concrete implementation of the recommendations in the document CEPEJ-COOP(2010)1, could take place in Malta in the first half of the year.

19.  The Bureau instructed the Secretariat to collect any feedback from the authorities of Abu Dhabi concerning the report delivered in April 2010.

2.7 Representation of the CEPEJ in other meetings

20.  The Bureau instructed the Secretariat to organise the representation of CEPEJ in other Council of Europe committees on a case by case basis, according to the agendas, either by a member of the CEPEJ or by the Secretariat.

3.   Preparation of the 2010 Activity Report

21.  The Bureau instructed the Secretariat to prepare a draft 2010 activity report on the basis of the 2009 report. The draft will have to be sent by e-mail to the Bureau members for approval before being submitted to the 17th plenary CEPEJ meeting.

4.     Co-operation with the European Union

22.  The Secretariat informed the Bureau that it would meet with its counter-parts (namely new colleagues) at DG Justice in Brussels on 3 February, inter alia to organise the European Day of Justice and the "Crystal Scales of Justice".

23.  Although this had not yet been confirmed, this visit to Brussels could be an excellent opportunity to present the 2010 evaluation report to the Justice and Home Affairs advisors in the member states delegations in Brussels. Contacts were underway with the Secretariat of the EU Council and the CoE's Office in Brussels. [This information session took place in Brussels on 2 February at the initiative of the EU Council. The Secretariat and the Chairman of the CEPEJ-GT-EVAL, Jean-Paul Jean, met with representatives of 12 EU member states, of the EU Council and of the European Commission].

5.     Individual complaints to the CEPEJ about judicial matters

24.  There were no specific complaints to be examined by the Bureau.

6.     Other business

25.  Following a question raised by the member of CEPEJ in respect of Switzerland, the Bureau agreed that the Pilot Court Network should remain composed only of courts and could not include justice administrations.

26.  Following the request addressed to the President of the CEPEJ by the US National Centre for State Courts, the Bureau agreed that the CEPEJ could remain open for ad hoc cooperation with this body, on a case by case basis, but could not conclude any contract with it (the CEPEJ is only a intergovernmental committee under the authority of the Committee of Ministers, and cannot commit itself through such contracts). The Bureau instructed the Secretariat to prepare a reply accordingly.

Appendix 1


1.     Adoption of the agenda / Adoption de l’ordre du jour

2.    Information by the President of the CEPEJ and the Secretariat /

Informations du Président de la CEPEJ et du Secrétariat

3.    Implementation of the 2011 Activity programme /

Mise en œuvre du Programme d’activité 2011

a.     Calendar of the meetings / Calendrier des réunions

b.    Appointment of the experts of the working groups /

Nomination des experts des Groupes de travail

c.     2010 – 2012 evaluation cycle /

Cycle d'évaluation 2010 – 2012

§  Evaluation process / processus d'évaluation

§  How to improve data collection according to EUGMONT requirements? / Comment améliorer la collecte des données conformément aux exigences d'EUGMONT?

d.  Organisation of the 2011 CEPEJ "Road Show"

Organisation du "Road Show" de la CEPEJ 2011


d.    Integration of the Lisbon Network into the CEPEJ's activity programme / Intégration du Réseau de Lisbonne dans le programme d'activité de la CEPEJ

f.   Targeted cooperation / Coopération ciblée

§  Armenia / Arménie

§  Azerbaijan / Azerbaïdjan

§  Malta / Malte

g.    Representation of the CEPEJ in other meetings /

Représentation de la CEPEJ dans d'autres réunions

4.     Preparation of the 2010 Activity Report / Préparation du Rapport d'activité 2010

5.     Co-operation with the European Union / Coopération avec l’Union européenne

§  Seminar to present the evaluation report in Brussels / Séminaire pour présenter le rapport d'évaluation à Bruxelles

§  European Day of Justice and "Crystal Scales of Justice" / Journée Européenne de la Justice et "Balance de Cristal"

6.     Individual complaints submitted to the CEPEJ concerning justice matters /

Plaintes individuelles adressées à la CEPEJ sur des questions de justice

7.     Any other business / Questions diverses

Appendix 2

Composition of the Working groups for 2011 as decided by the Bureau of the CEPEJ

Composition des Groupes de Travail pour 2011 telle que décidée par le Bureau de la CEPEJ

Working Group on evaluation of judicial systems /

Groupe de travail sur l’évaluation des systèmes judiciaires


1. Members of the Working group/ Membres du Groupe de travail

Country / Pays

Name / Nom

Title / Fonction

Poland / Pologne


Institute of Justice, Ministry of Justice

Institut de la Justice, Ministère de la Justice





Chief of reforms division, General department of organisation and supervision,
Co-ordinator of Judicial Modernisation Project, Ministry of Justice

Chef de la division des réformes, Département général de l’organisation et de la supervision, coordinateur du projet de modernisation judiciaire, Ministère de la justice

Bosnia and Herzegovina /



Head of the Budget and Statistics Department in the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of BiH

Chef du Service du Budget et de la Statistique du Conseil Supérieur de la Magistrature de BiH


Jean-Paul JEAN 

Prosecutor, Court of Appeal of Paris, Associated Professor at the Law Faculty of Poitiers

Procureur près la Cour d'Appel de Paris, Professeur associé à la Faculté de droit de Poitiers

Autriche / Austria


Head of Department Pr 8, Projects, Strategy and Innovation, Federal Ministry of Justice

Chef du département PR 8, Stratégie et Innovation, Ministère de la Justice

Netherlands / Pays-Bas


Advisor at the Directorate General for the Administration of Justice and Law Enforcement, Judicial System Department, Ministry of Justice

Conseiller à la Direction Générale de l'administration de la justice et de l'application du droit, Service du système judiciaire, Ministère de la Justice

2. The following experts will also participate in the Working Group, at the expense of their government / Les experts suivants participeront au Groupe de travail aux frais de leur gouvernement

3. The following organisations will also participate in the Working Group as observers / les organisations suivantes participeront au Groupe de travail en tant qu’observateur

European Union of Rechtspfleger (EUR) / Union européenne des greffiers de justice et Rechtspfleger (EUR)

Vivien WHYTE

4. The President of the CEPEJ can participate in the Working Group / Le Président de la CEPEJ peut participer au Groupe de Travail.

5. The following bodies are invited to participate in the Working Group as observers / Les instances suivantes sont invitées à participer au Groupe de Travail en tant qu'observateur:

§  European Union bodies  / Instances de l'Union européenne

Steering group of the SATURN Centre for judicial time management

Groupe de pilotage du Centre SATURN pour la gestion du temps judiciaire

1. Members of the Steering Committee / Membres du Groupe de pilotage

Country / Pays

Name / Nom

Title / Fonction

Georgia / Géorgie


Chair of the Civil Chamber of Tbilisi District Court

Président de la Chambre civile du tribunal du district de Tbilissi

Switzerland / Suisse

Jacques BÜHLER

Deputy Secretary General, Swiss Federal Court

Secrétaire Général suppléant, Tribunal fédéral suisse

Malta / Malte


Legal Advisor to the Director General (Courts), Legal Office, the Law Courts

Conseiller juridique auprès du Directeur Général (Tribunaux), Bureau juridique, Tribunaux

Norway / Norvège


Professor in Law, University of Oslo

Professeur de Droit, Université d'Oslo

Italy / Italie

Giacomo OBERTO

Judge of cassation at the First Instance Court of Torino (Civil Chamber)

Juge de Cassation au Tribunal de Grande Instance de Turin (Chambre civile)

Czech Republic / République tchèque


Lawyer, Adviser at Czech Bar Association, CCBE member

Avocat, Conseiller auprès du Barreau tchèque, membre du CCBE

2. The following experts will also participate in the Working Group, at the expense of their government / Les experts suivants participeront au Groupe de travail aux frais de leur gouvernement

3. The following organisations will also participate in the Working Group as observers / les organisations suivantes participeront au Groupe de travail en tant qu’observateur leurs propres frais

European Union of Rechtspfleger (EUR) / Union européenne des greffiers de justice et Rechtspfleger (EUR)


4. The President of the CEPEJ can participate in the Working Group / Le Président de la CEPEJ peut participer au Groupe de Travail.

5. The following bodies are invited to participate in the Working Group as observers / Les instances suivantes sont invitées à participer au Groupe de Travail en tant qu'observateurs :

§  European Union bodies  / Instances de l'Union européenne

§  World Bank / Banque Mondiale

Working Group on quality of justice

Groupe de travail sur la qualité de la justice


1. Members of the Working group/ Membres du Groupe de travail

Country / Pays

Name / Nom

Title / Fonction



Judicial Counselor, Directorate General for Justice Policy, Ministry of  Justice

Conseiller juridique, Direction Générale des questions politiques, Ministère de la justice

Italy /Italie


Director General of the Department of Statitics, Ministry of Justice

Directeur général des statistiques, Ministère de la justice

Croatia / Croatie

Nikolina Mišković

Rijeka Commercial Court Judge

Juge au tribunal commercial de Rijeka

Switzerland / Suisse


Judge at the Court of Justice of the Repubic and Geneva District

Juge à la Cour de justice de la République et canton de Genève



Avocat général à la Cour de cassation

Prosecutor at the Court of Cassation

The Netherlands / Pays-Bas


Bureau for the Quality of the Dutch Council for the Judiciary

Bureau de la Qualité du Conseil de la Justice des Pays-Bas

2. The following experts will also participate in the Working Group, at the expense of their government / Les experts suivants participeront au Groupe de travail aux frais de leur gouvernement

3. The following organisations will also participate in the Working Group as observers / les organisations suivantes participeront au Groupe de travail en tant qu’observateur

European Union of Rechtspfleger (EUR) / Union européenne des greffiers de justice et Rechtspfleger (EUR)

Jean-Jacques KUSTER

4. The President of the CEPEJ can participate in the Working Group / Le Président de la CEPEJ peut participer au Groupe de Travail.

5. The following bodies are invited to participate in the Working Group as observers / Les instances suivantes sont invitées à participer au Groupe de Travail en tant qu'observateurs

§  European Union bodies  / Instances de l'Union européenne

§  World Bank / Banque Mondiale

§  European Network of Judicial Councils (ENJC) / Réseau Européen des Conseils de la Justice (RECJ)