Reigado Ramos v. Portugal, 22 November 2005: “A father's right of access to his daughter born out of wedlock in Portugal”

·         adequacy of the measures taken by the authorities to enforce the applicant's right of access (Article 8 of the ECHR) – [violation].

Also see the cases of Elsholz v. Germany, 13 July 2000, Hoffmann v. Germany, 11 October 2001, Sahin v. Germany, 8 July 2003, Sommerfeld v. Germany, 8 July 2003, Görgülü v. Germany, 26 February 2004, Lebbink v. the Netherlands, 1 June 2004, Zawadka v. Poland, 23 June 2005, Bove v. Italy, 30 June 2005.