Pompidou Group

Co-operation Group to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drugs

Sintra, 13 October 2000                                                                   P-PG/MIN/CONF (2000) 4 def.


2000 – 2003


The Pompidou Group’s mission is to contribute towards the development of a multi-disciplinary, balanced, effective and innovative drugs policy in its member countries.  It does this by exchanging information, knowledge and opinions about trends in drug use and supply, the problems associated with them, and the policies and programmes which are implemented.  Its primary aim is to give practical support to policy makers, professionals and other field workers.

The main strengths of the Group are its flexibility, its multi-disciplinarity and its ability to build bridges between policy makers and practitioners and between local and national frameworks. The concern for multi-disciplinarity is present within each of the fields of activities of the Work Programme.  The programme as a whole takes account of the need to maintain a certain balance between action on supply and demand.  The choice of activities also seeks to meet the needs both of older member States and the new arrivals.  A number of types of action or aspects of the work are transversal and cover all the fields: in particular training, economic questions, service networking and sub-regional co-operation. 

Underlying all the activities of the programme is a concern for the ethical aspects of action against illicit drugs in accordance with the fundamental ideals and principles of the Council of Europe.

In this Programme, the Group gives special importance to innovatory activities, to the implementation of practical solutions, to proactive policies and to the scientific contribution to activities, as well as to the creation of links with the countries of central and eastern Europe.  At the same time, it will seek to maximise the value of its accumulated experience by improving the dissemination of results, providing training and, where appropriate, elaborating standards based on its findings.

As previously, the activities are focussed on the problem of misuse of illicit drugs, but take account of trends in drug consumption, in particular multiple consumption of psycho-active substances.  A more realistic approach to the differentiation between use, abuse and dependency would facilitate better responses to trends in consumption.  The Work Programme reflects these new directions for the Group.

The programme takes full account of, and seeks to produce synergy with, the European Union’s Drug Strategy and Action Plan 2000-2004 and the targets and principles resulting from the 20th Special Session of the United Nations on Drugs of June 1998.

Close collaboration with the other organisations, both intergovernmental and non-governmental, active in its field is a constant concern for the Group with a view to avoiding overlapping and to gaining maximum benefits from the strengths of each organisation.  This has been demonstrated by recent joint activities with UNDCP and INCB, WHO and EMCDDA.  This practice of joint and coordinated action will be actively pursued. 

The selection criteria to be used by Permanent Correspondents in choosing specific action to implement this programme will include, in particular, the likelihood of achieving results with significant impact, the availability of resources and the necessary knowledge to achieve the objectives as well as the cost/benefit ratio.  The support given by member States to certain specific activities through voluntary contributions to the budget is particularly appreciated.


Field 1:           Research, epidemiology

The very successful programme on epidemiology and data collection over many years has been based on the development of indicators within a city network.  The EMCDDA has used this experience extensively in developing the national data systems within the European Union, and the Pompidou Group has drawn on it to create data collection capacities, initially at city level, in a number of central and eastern European countries.

A continuing focus at the local level will be complementary to the national data collection analysis done in other fora.  At the same time there is an increasing need on the part of policy makers for information additional to that provided by agency-based monitoring systems, in particular qualitative investigations and studies of the resources allocated to drug programmes and indicators of the social impact of drug abuse and drug policies.  Some work in this direction has already been initiated by the Group, in particular with the pilot study of a social costs of drug abuse methodology.   

Key objectives for 2000-2003 will be to:

1.1        Define and test a protocol for multidisplinary local-level monitoring of drug problems to      support policy-making

-                      Based on the multi-city project experience, develop a methodology for local monitoring valid for large and medium-sized towns, taking account of the data needs of local policy makers, service structures and the range of data already commonly available.

-                      Develop standard instruments.

-                      Develop quality criteria.

1.2        Support data collection, scientific analysis and training initiatives based on achievements             of the past epidemiology work:

-                      support the periodic ESPAD school surveys;

-                      undertake retrospective analysis of multi-city data time series.

1.3        Promote the development of new indicators addressing the social impact of drug abuse,   service provision and policy monitoring needs:

-                      organise, together with partner organisations, and with the participation of national experts, a European Conference having as main strategic long-term objectives:

·         identification of research needs;

·         development of regional and sub-regional co-operation;

·         further development of common European drug information methodology;

-                      complete testing of the social costs of methodology;

-                      undertake development work on a limited number of priority indicators.

Field 2:           Prevention, education, training

Recent work on prevention has produced a basic handbook for workers in the field and guidelines on street work with risk groups.  Initial evaluation of these instruments has been positive and will continue with a view to development of similar instruments on specific issues and the initiation of related training activities.

Key objectives for 2000-2003 will be to:

2.1          Improve and strengthen decentralised prevention for various target groups and its integration into the local community.

-                      Analyse local community based prevention strategies and the role of the voluntary sector.

-                      Develop guidelines for police and local authorities intervention in discotheques and other leisure centres.

-                      Assess recent developments concerning police involvement in prevention.

2.2          Evaluate and adapt specific prevention instruments.

-                      Evaluate and supplement, as necessary, the Pompidou Group prevention handbook.

-                      Examine approaches designed for families, risk groups, etc.

2.3          Promote and develop training activities

-                      Propose training in the following fields:

·         methodologies on Epidemiology for central and eastern Europe and the Mediterranean Network;

·         demand reduction and primary prevention, in particular for programme staff and trainers;

-                      Develop training curricula and materials within the DRSTP;

-                      Exchange information on national training modalities;

-           Maintain the Pompidou Group Fellowship Scheme.

Field 3:           Treatment, rehabilitation, social aspects of drug abuse

Pompidou Group work in this field in recent years has concentrated on the quality and efficiency of services, targeting of interventions to specific needs, services related to new modes of consumption and integration of services into the local community.  It has moreover developed successful training activities through the DRSTP and the Fellowship scheme.  The social aspects of care services are increasingly fundamental to the development of more effective interventions and reducing the negative social effects of drug abuse is an important aspect of an integrated drugs policy.

Key objectives for 2000-2003 will be to:

3.1        Improve the treatment care and social rehabilitation of specific groups.

-                      Adapt treatment to new modes of consumption and the emergence of new substances.

-                      Analyse the psychosocial aspects of treatment.

-           Analyse care systems and promote networking of professionals in the        Mediterranean region.

3.2        Evaluate risk reduction interventions and measures to reduce harm to society.

-                      Analyse the long-term results obtained with various measures, including social measures and interventions aimed at abusers of substances other than heroin.

3.3        Improve the integration of treatment, care, risk reduction and rehabilitation programmes.

-                      Facilitate adaptation of services to the specific needs of clients.

-                      Strengthen rehabilitation programmes and their continuity with care and treatment, including substitution programmes.

-                      Assist decision-making by programme managers.

Field 4:           Legal, penal, regulatory and control aspects

Multi-disciplinary co-ordination of police and justice services with the social and health sectors has been a long-term concern of the Pompidou Group with specific focus on alternatives to prison, prison programmes and continuity of services after release.  Work to counter trafficking has focussed on specific risk areas not addressed by the international law enforcement agencies and whose co-operation between several services is necessary.  A series of conferences in conjunction with the INCB and other partners has examined regulatory aspects of the implementation of UN conventions at European level.

Key objectives for 2000-2003 will be to:

4.1          Improve the response of the criminal justice system to drug abusing offenders

-                      Develop effective programmes within and as an alternative to prison.

-                      Analyse innovative policing and sentencing strategies.

4.2          Strengthen anti-trafficking measures for specific modalities or points of entry.

-                      Maintain the airports control and co-operation network.

-                      Develop instruments to control trafficking by light aircraft and air cargo.

4.3          Improve the legislative and regulatory basis for drug abuse control.

-                      Evaluate the regulatory basis for benzodiazepines.

-                      Analyse the legislative situation and practical implementation problems related to risk reduction and other social measures addressing drug abuse.

4.4          Develop knowledge about the report of drug abuse on road safety and programmes to address the risks.

-           Assess developments since the 1999 seminar.

Field 1: Research, Epidemiology




Target group

1.1          Define and test a protocol for multi-disciplinary, local-level monitoring of drug problems to support policy making

Development of methodology for large and medium-sized towns

Preparation and test of methodology developing standards and quality criteria

Data collection systems relevant to local policy makers

Epidemiologists, local policy makers

1.2          Support data collection, scientific analysis and training initiatives based on achievements of the post-epidemiology work

Multi-city study:

Reports on drug misuse in major cities, with special attention to new trends

Monitoring system

Annual city and summary reports

Epidemiologists, data users

Prevalence studies in schools – support for the ESPAD project

Comparative surveys

Periodic reports (in principle every 3 years)

National groups of researchers

Retrospective analysis of data over several years:

Study of trends in the CEEC since 1990

Trends in 1st treatment demand

Studies analysing existing data time -series

Summary reports

Researchers, Programme Managers

1.3          Promote the development of new indicators

Define a strategy for the future development of epidemiology:

Identification of indicators relevant to policy making, their availability, the possible role of different networks and the training needs of epidemiologists. The activity will address, in addition to consumption and market indicators, information on the actors, services and economic factors which may assist in interpreting the statistical data.

Pilot studies

State of art conference (joint with EMCDDA and possibly others)

Recommendations as to future priorities

Users of data, epidemiologists

Economic and social costs of drug abuse

Pilot studies

Development of methodologies; specific studies

Researchers from several disciplines

Specific epidemiological research projects - qualitative research possible examples:

Links with health (comorbidity, etc) and criminological questions

Links with consumption of licit substances (alcohol, tobacco, medicines, anabolic steroids)

Drug use and driving, in the workplace, in prison, by seasonal workers, of prescription analgesics

Pilot research projects

Development of methodologies; specific studies

Research teams

Field 2: Prevention, Education, Training




Target group

2.1          Improve and strengthen decentralised prevention

Local community involvement in prevention

Information collection,

Possibly seminar

Proposals to strengthen voluntary work,

Seminar report

Professionals, local workers, policy makers

Intervention strategies for the police and local authorities in discos and other leisure facilities

Study + guidelines



Professionals, police, local authorities

Preventive activities of the police

Information and experience exchange,


Seminar report

Police, prevention experts

2.2          Evaluate and adapt specific prevention instruments

Evaluation of the prevention handbook and outreach guidelines


Evaluation report

Recommendations for changes or new handbooks

Prevention experts,


Prevention for specific target groups

Analysis of youth risk behaviour in order to identify appropriate prevention approaches

Studies, research

Reports, prevention strategies

Researchers, prevention experts, policy makers

Audio-visual and other media

Information collection, analysis and exchange

Reports, drafting of a handbook

Prevention experts, media professionals

2.3          Promote and develop training activities

Technical assistance to develop data collection capacities

1.   Training in CEEC and support for the Russian city network

2.   Creation of a Mediterranean network

1. Training seminars

2. Annual conference and national studies

Training of researchers, annual city reports

Creation of a network, comparative report

Epidemiologists and other researchers


Programme and material development

Training programmes

Professionals and other workers, researchers


Study visits

Reports on visits

Professionals and other workers, researchers

National programmes

Information exchange

Proposals for change

Training institutes

Field 3: Treatment, Rehabilitation, social aspects of drug abuse




Target group

3.1          Improve the treatment and care and social rehabilitation of specific groups

Adapting treatment to new modes of consumption

Psycho-social aspects of treatment

Information collection, analysis and exchange;

Possibly seminars


Professionals, researchers

3.2          Evaluate risk reduction interventions and measures to reduce harm to society

Substitution programmes

Information collection, analysis and exchange;

Possibly seminars


Professionals, researchers

Risk reduction linked to substance use other than by injection

Information collection, analysis and exchange


Professionals and policy makers

Social measures

3.3          Improve the integration of treatment, care, risk reduction and rehabilitation programmes

Identification of treatment and care strategies best adapted to the needs of each individual

Information collection, analysis and exchange;

Possibly seminars

Seminar report,

Preparation of guidelines

Policy makers and programme managers

Co-ordination and integration of the various elements of national systems of care, risk reduction and rehabilitation;

Information collection, analysis and exchange; Possibly seminar

Seminar report,

Preparation of guidelines

Policy makers and programme managers

Tools to assist decision making of programme managers

Information collection, analysis and exchange; Possibly seminar

Seminar report,

Preparation of guidelines

Policy makers and programme managers

Field 4: Legal, Penal, Regulatory and Control Aspects




Target group

4.1          Improve the response of the criminal justice system to drug-abusing offenders

Prison aspects (including risk reduction in prison, participation in the WHO "Health in prison" project)

Information exchange;

Possibly seminars;

Preparation of training initiatives



Training courses


Policy makers

Innovative strategies of the police and justice system:

-Drug courts

-Adaptation of interventions to the more problematic situations (user/dealers, etc)

Information collection, analysis and exchange;

Possibly seminars


Publication of proceedings

Professionals, Policy makers

4.2          Strengthen anti-trafficking measures for specific modalities or points of entry

Control services in airports (including general aviation, controlled deliveries, express courier services)

Annual meetings,

Co-ordinated operations,

Preparation of guides

Exchange of experience

Training in operational co-ordination


Control services of airports and general aviation

4.3          Improve the legislative and regulatory basis for drug abuse control

Controls on psychotropic substances (especially benzodiazepines) and narcotics (test kits)

Technical meeting

Consultant reports

Publication of proceedings

Regulatory bodies

National penal legislations and risk reduction: compatibility, proposed changes, practical problems of implementation

Studies, information exchange



Policy makers

4.4          Develop knowledge about the impact of drug abuse on road safety

Inventory of developments since the 1999 conference:

(legislation, research (testing), practical experience)

State- of-the -art conference

National and consultant reports, information exchange

Reports on various subjects

Publication of proceedings

Professionals, researchers, policy makers