The preliminary draft recommendation of the committee of ministers to member states on the financial (civil and accounting) liability of local elected representatives for acts or omissions in the course of their duties - CG (5) 23 Part II


The Committee of Ministers, under the terms of Article 15.b of the Statute of the Council of Europe,

a. Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve a greater unity between its members for the purpose of safeguarding and realising the ideals and principles which are their common heritage and facilitating their economic and social progress;

b. Considering that active participation by citizens in the management of local public affairs, inter alia by taking on local elective functions, is a prerequisite for effective local democracy and that, in order to ensure such participation, it is essential to safeguard, at the same time, citizens’ confidence in their elected representatives and the legal certainty for the latter;

c. Considering that the system of legal liability of local elected representatives consequently has a particular influence on the smooth operation of local and regional democracy;

d. Considering that, when establishing such a system, account must be taken at the same time of the legitimate interests of citizens, of the State, of the different territorial authorities and of elected representatives;

e. Considering that local elected representatives must be fully accountable to citizens and that the current trend towards the accountability of local elected representatives is an important aspect of more effective local democracy;

f. Considering, nonetheless, that this trend raises legitimate concerns on the part of local elected representatives and that the adoption of specific provisions concerning their financial liability may be justified in view of their increasingly complex duties and their elective status;

g. Having regard to the report of the Steering Committee on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR) on “The liability of local elected representatives for acts or omissions in the course of their duties”;

Recommends that the governments of the member states:

1. to undertake the appropriate reforms of the legal and administrative framework for the financial liability of local elected representatives, taking into account the principles and the proposal set out in the guidelines appended to this recommendation;

2. involve local elected representatives in any discussion on reforms to be undertaken in this area and on the procedure for implementing such reforms.

Appendix to Recommendation No.

Guidelines concerning the financial (civil and accounting) liability of local elected representatives for acts or omissions in the course of their duties


This recommendation adopts the following definitions:

- civil liability: the obligation to make good the loss resulting from non-fulfilment or poor fulfilment of a contract, or from a breach of the general duty not to cause harm to others through one’s own actions, objects in one’s keeping or persons for whom one is responsible;

- accounting liability: the obligation on public officials, including elected representatives, to make good any financial loss caused to their community;

- local elected representatives: those holding a direct or indirect electoral mandate within local authority assemblies (including those at intermediate level) or within their executive organs.

I. Scope and application of the financial liability of local authorities and local elected representatives

III. Financial liability insurance for illegal acts or omissions by local elected representatives