Strasbourg, 16 August 2011                                                                    CDLR-Bu(2011)19





Meeting held on 29 June 2011

Council of Europe Office, Paris

Room 1



Opening of the meeting

The CDLR Bureau met in Paris on 29 June 2011. Because the Chair was unfortunately not able to attend for health reasons, the meeting was chaired by the Vice-Chair, Mr Auke van der Goot (The Netherlands). The list of participants appears at Appendix 1.


Adoption of the agenda

The Agenda as adopted appears at Appendix 2.


Decisions of the Committee of Ministers concerning the CDLR

The Bureau took note of the decisions set out in document CDLR-Bu(2011)11.

The Bureau also gave instruction for the preparation of a response to the Opinions of the Congress concerning the two draft recommendations prepared by the CDLR (on the funding by higher level authorities of new competencies for local authorities/on the principles of good democratic governance at local level) and agreed to adopt its response by written procedure (See also item 8 below).

The Bureau also gave guidance for the preparation of comments on Congress Recommendation 304 (2011) “Meeting the challenge of interfaith and intercultural tensions at local level” and agreed to adopt them by written procedure.


Information on other Council of Europe bodies

The Bureau agreed that all information concerning other bodies could be dealt with under the relevant items of its agenda.


Logframe and terms of reference CDLR for 2012-2013

The CDLR considered the consequences of the budget cuts proposed by the Secretary General for the future work in 2012-2013 and the abolition of the CDLR’s sub-committees (as yet agreed by the Ministers’ Deputies).

It noted that under such circumstances, with only half the human and financial resources available as compared to those in 2011, it would not be possible to continue work in 2012 and 2013 as originally envisaged. In particular “acquis-building” work (development of reports, analyses, standards, etc) which is strongly dependent on sub-committees and Secretariat time, would have to be severely reduced. It would thus, inter alia, not be possible to establish and maintain the reference framework of systems of local and regional government that is currently in preparation with a view to replacing the so-called country-reports. On the other hand, a certain number of rapid response questionnaires and the organisation of topical exchanges of views at CDLR meetings should still be possible.

The Bureau also noted that the announced re-structuring of the Secretariat might also have an impact on the CDLR. 

The Bureau noted that the Secretariat would fill in the so-called logframe and prepare draft terms of reference for the CDLR in accordance with the proposals of the Secretary General.

It requested the Secretariat to inform the CDLR at its meeting in September on the state of play and to make concrete proposals for the activities that could be undertaken in 2012 and 2013.


Partnership between the Committee of Ministers and the Ministerial Conference

The Bureau noted that the GR-DEM would, on 5 July 2011, be considering a reply by the Ministers’ Deputies to Minister Tolli on the proposal to establish a partnership between the Committee of Ministers and the Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Local and Regional Government.


Utrecht reviews

The Bureau was informed by Ms Paqui Santoja, representative of Minister Chaves of Spain, that Minister Chaves had, following the consultation that took place in Strasbourg on 21 June, received and been promised further written contributions concerning his draft report. Also the decisions of the Ministers’ Deputies regarding the funding of intergovernmental activities in 2012 and 2013 and the proposal for a partnership (see item 6 above) would have to be taken into account. In light of these developments it would not be possible for Minister Chaves to finalise his review already in August 2011, as originally envisaged.

The Bureau expressed its understanding for this development and reiterated its readiness to assist the Minister in any way he would deem appropriate. It also expressed the hope that, even if his work would not be finalised by that time, Minister Chaves would, through his representative, inform the CDLR at its meeting in September 2011 on the state of play.


Implementation of the Utrecht Agenda

-      draft Recommendation on good governance at local level

-      draft Recommendation on the funding by higher level authorities of new competences for local authorities

The Bureau took note of the state of implementation of the CDLR’s activities and agreed to respond to the Congress opinions pertaining to the two draft recommendations the CDLR had prepared (see item 3 above).


Communication relating to the CDLR and local and regional democracy

The Bureau had no observations under this item.


Preparation of the 17th session of the Ministerial Conference (Kyiv, November 2011)

In the absence of the Chair there was no new information concerning the invitation letters and practical arrangements for the Ministerial Session. The Bureau expressed the hope that the invitation letter would be sent out before the summer break.

The Bureau gave guidance, along the lines suggested in document CDLR-Bu(2011)15, to the preparation of a draft for the Kyiv Declaration, which is to be considered by the CDLR at its meeting in September 2011.

The Bureau also noted that any future session of the Ministerial Conference would be held in conformity with the new Resolution (2011)7 adopted by the Ministers’ Deputies on 16 June 2011.


Draft agenda and draft programme

The Bureau agreed that the draft agenda and programme should be maintained as they had been discussed and approved by the CDLR at its meeting in March 2011.

It noted that the possibility of a signing session of Council of Europe Conventions could only take place if the Ukrainian authorities would take the necessary steps in good time before the session.


Local Government: Responses to recession across Europe

The Bureau expressed its satisfaction with the conference that had been held successfully in Strasbourg on 20 June, despite a last minute change in venue (as a result of a cancellation by the City of Palma) and noted with appreciation that the Parliamentary Assembly had been represented by Mr Alan Meale.

The Editorial Group was now preparing the draft report and text for inclusion in the Kyiv Declaration.


Overcoming obstacles to transfrontier cooperation  

The Bureau agreed with the proposals for a conference in Strasbourg on 12 September 2011 set out in document CDLR-Bu(2011)16. The conference will examine the relevant parts of the draft for the Kyiv Declaration


Human Rights at local and regional level

The Bureau noted that the Ministers’ Deputies had not yet adopted a reply to the Congress Recommendation 280 and that the matter was still being considered by the GR-H.

The Bureau agreed that the summary of replies to the CDLR questionnaire should be sent to the Congress for comment.

It entrusted the two rapporteurs, Mr Auke van der Goot and Mr Paul-Henri Philips, assisted by the Secretariat, with the preparation of this item for the Ministerial Session.


Preparation of and draft agenda (CDLR(2011)OJ2 prov) for the 48th CDLR meeting (19-21 September 2011)

The Bureau approved the proposed draft agenda for the CDLR meeting in September 2011


Preparation of the Joint Bureaux meeting

The Bureau agreed that it would be desirable to hold a further joint Bureaux meeting before the Ministerial Session in Kyiv and asked the Secretariat to raise the issue with the Congress Secretariat.

As regards the synopses of such meetings, the Bureau considered that in future a list of decisions should be adopted at the meeting itself.


Other business

The Bureau gave guidance to the Secretariat for the filling in of the Questionnaire on Gender Equality in Council of Europe steering committees


Date of the next meeting

The Bureau agreed to envisage a further meeting on 7 October 2011 in Strasbourg.




(Apologised for absence / excusé)

Mr Andriy GUK, Head of Department, State Foundation for Local  Self-Government in Ukraine, L.Ukrainka bld. 26, Building A, KIYV 01133, UKRAINE

Tel: 380 44 223 68 10 ; Fax: 380 44 286 37 81; E-mail: [email protected]


Mr Jesper LORENZ GRADERT, Head of Section, Ministry of the Interior and Health, Slotsholmsgade 10-12, 1216, COPENHAGEN K

Tel: (45) 7228 2524; E-mail: [email protected]

Mrs Miroslava-Nina MIŠKOVIĆ, Head of Independent Division for International Cooperation, Ministry of Public Administration, Maksimirska 63, 10000 ZAGREB

Tel: (385) 1 2357 532; Fax: (385) 1 2357 609; E-mail: [email protected]

M. Paul-Henri PHILIPS, Adjoint du Directeur Général, Administration des pouvoirs locaux, Ministère de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, Boulevard du Jardin Botanique, 20, B – 1035 BRUXELLES

Tel : (32) 2 800 32 77; Cel-phone: (32) 499 58 81 05; Fax :(32) 2 800 38 00;

E-mail : [email protected]

Mr Paul ROWSELL, Deputy Director, Democracy and Local Governance, Department for Communities and Local Government, 3/J1, Eland House, Bressenden Place, LONDON SW1E 5DU, GB

Tel: (44) 303 44 42568; E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Auke van der GOOT, Senior Adviser, Europe and Local and Regional Governance Unit, Directorate-General for Governance and Kingdom Relations, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, P.O Box 20011, NL - 2500 EA THE HAGUE

Tel: (31) 70 426 7386; Fax: (31) 70 426 7655; E-mail: [email protected]


Ms Paqui SANTONJA, Special Adviser, Directorate General for Regional Cooperation, Ministry of Territorial Policy, MADRID

Tel: (34) 91 273 46 59; Fax: (34) 91 273 46 10; E-mail: [email protected]


Mr Frank STEKETEE, Administrator / Administrateur – Directorate of Democratic Institutions/ Direction des institutions démocratiques, Directorate General of Democracy and Political Affairs/Direction générale de la démocratie et des affaires politiques

Tel: +33 (0)3 88 41 39 61; Fax: +33 (0)3 88 41 27 84; E-mail: [email protected]




Opening of the meeting


Adoption of the agenda




Decisions of the Committee of Ministers concerning the CDLR



Information on other Council of Europe bodies



Partnership between the Committee of Ministers and the Ministerial Conference



Utrecht reviews



Implementation of the Utrecht Agenda


-      draft Recommendation on good governance at local level

-      draft Recommendation on the funding by higher level authorities of new competences for local authorities


Communication relating to the CDLR and local and regional democracy



Preparation of the 17th session of the Ministerial Conference (Kyiv, November 2011)



Draft agenda and draft programme



Local Government: Responses to recession across Europe



Overcoming obstacles to transfrontier cooperation  



Human Rights at local and regional level




Preparation of and draft agenda for the 48th CDLR meeting (19-21 September 2011)

[CDLR(2011)OJ2 prov.]



Preparation of the Joint Bureaux meeting



Other business

-     Questionnaire on Gender Equality in Council of       Europe steering committees


Date of the next meeting