Strasbourg, 23 September 2010                                                               CDLR(2010)39

                                                                                              Item 6.2 of the agenda




For adoption

Secretariat Memorandum

prepared by the

Directorate General of Democracy and Political Affairs

Directorate of Democratic Institutions

This document is public. It will not be distributed at the meeting. Please bring this copy.

Ce document est public. Il ne sera pas distribué en réunion. Prière de vous munir de cet exemplaire.


This document contains the draft terms of reference of the three CDLR sub-committees (2011): Committee of Experts on good democratic governance at local and regional level (LR-GG), Committee of Experts on local and regional government institutions and co-operation (LR-IC) and Committee of Experts on finance and public services at local and regional level (LR-FS).

The members of the CDLR are invited to express their preference in the questionnaire appearing in appendix IV and to submit their replies to the Secretariat, at latest, on Wednesday 13 October, in the afternoon.

The Committee is invited to consider the draft terms of reference with a view to submitting them afterwards for approval by the Committee of Ministers.

On the basis of the agreed procedure (see CDLR Handbook 2010, pp 165-167), the Bureau will, at the meeting, on Thursday 13 October 2010, make a proposal for the reimbursement of seats in committees.

Action required

The Committee is invited to approve the terms of reference for the three CDLR sub-committees (LR-IC, LR-GG and LR-FS), including the attribution of reimbursement of seats.



Committee of Experts on good democratic governance at local and regional level


Fact Sheet

Name of Committee:

Committee of Experts on good democratic governance at local and regional level (LR-GG)

Compliance with Resolution Res(2005)47:



Local Governance (Democracy/Local Democracy)


Action Plan of the Third Summit : Chapter 1.3 – “Strengthening democracy, good governance and the rule of law in member states”:

Contribution to core values: The Committee’s work contributes to reinforce the action capacities of local governments in member states and consequently, democracy, good governance and respect of the rule of law in member states.

Additional criteria:

1. Political justification/framework: Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Local and Regional Government and Ministerial Declarations: Budapest (2005), Valencia (2007) and Utrecht (2009).

2. Consolidation, promotion, implementation of Council of Europe standards: The CDLR develops and keeps up to date intergovernmental standards (conventions and recommendations), promotes them and evaluates their impact. The LR-GG Committee prepares future standards, policy and tools as well as being instrumental in their implementation and evaluation.

3. Relevance to Council of Europe country strategies and country-specific needs: The Committee contributes to the Council of Europe’s acquis in the field of local and regional democracy, which is indispensable for assistance programmes.

Added value

1. The Council of Europe as leading agency, most important facilitator: The Council of Europe is the only international organisation in Europe where governments co-operate on local and regional democracy. The questions relating to good governance at local level dealt with the LR-GG Committee are discussed in many member states.

2. Projects covering ‘new ground’: The LR-GG Committee works to exchange views, identify good practices, develop new standards, policies and tools to strengthen good democratic governance at local and regional level, as well as to facilitate its implementation in and by member states.

3. Avoiding duplication: No duplication exists within or outside the Council of Europe.

Financial information:

The LR-GG (… members) meets once, or if necessary, twice a year.

The estimated budget per year (two meetings) is about €48 700: €32 300 (experts’ costs) + €7 800 (interpretation costs) + €8 000 (translation costs) + €600 (production of documents costs).

Draft terms of reference of the Committee of Experts on good democratic governance at local and regional level (LR-GG)


Name of Committee:

Committee of Experts on good democratic governance at local and regional level (LR-GG)


Type of Committee:

Committee of Experts


Source of terms of reference:

Committee of Ministers, on the proposal of the European Committee on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR)


Terms of reference:





Having regard to:

Resolution Res(2005)47 on committees and subordinate bodies, their terms of reference and working methods;

the Warsaw Declaration and Action Plan adopted at the Third Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe (16-17 May 2005), in particular its Chapter 1.3 – “Strengthening democracy, good governance and the rule of law in member states”;

the Utrecht Declaration and Utrecht Agenda adopted by the Council of Europe Ministers responsible for Local and Regional Government on 17 November 2009;

Under the authority of the European Committee on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR), and in relation with the implementation of the Programme Local Governance (Democracy/Local Democracy) of the Draft Programme and 2011 budget of the Council of Europe, the Committee is instructed to:

assist the CDLR in the implementation of all activities relating to good democratic governance at local and regional level and in the implementation of its communication strategy.


Membership of the Committee:



Governments of member states are entitled to appoint representatives of the highest possible rank and with particular work experience in the field of good democratic governance and in the light of items appearing on its agenda.   

The Council of Europe budget will bear the travel and subsistence expenses for one representative for each of the following … member states: to be determined (by the CDLR)





The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe may send representatives to meetings of the Committee, without the right to vote and at the charge of its administrative budget.

The Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe may send representatives to meetings of the Committee, without the right to vote and at the charge of the sending body.





Other participants

The European Union may send representatives to meetings of the Committee, without the right to vote or defrayal of expenses.

The states with observer status with the Council of Europe (Canada, Holy See, Japan, Mexico and United States of America) may send representatives to meetings of the Committee, without the right to vote or defrayal of expenses.

The following intergovernmental organisations may send representatives to meetings of the Committee, without the right to vote or defrayal of expenses:

- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD);

- United Nations Specialised Agencies.



The following non-governmental organisations may send representatives to meetings of the Committee, without the right to vote or defrayal of expenses:

- Assembly of European Regions (AER);

- Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR).


Working methods and structures:

The Committee may have recourse, where necessary, to the services of consultants within the limits of available budgetary appropriations.



These terms of reference will expire on 31 December 2011.


Committee of Experts on local and regional government institutions and co-operation (LR-IC)

Fact Sheet

Name of Committee:

Committee of Experts on local and regional government institutions and co-operation (LR-IC)

Compliance with Resolution Res(2005)47:



Local Governance (Democracy/Local Democracy)


Action Plan of the Third Summit: Chapter 1.3 – “Strengthening democracy, good governance and the rule of law in member states” :

Contribution to core values: The Committee’s work contributes to reinforce the action capacities of local governments in member states and consequently, democracy, good governance and respect of the rule of law in member states.

Additional criteria:

1. Political justification/framework: Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Local and Regional Government and Ministerial Declarations: Budapest (2005), Valencia (2007) and Utrecht (2009).

2. Consolidation, promotion, implementation of Council of Europe standards: The LR-IC Committee assists the CDLR to develop and keep up to date intergovernmental standards (conventions and recommendations), policy and tools as well as being instrumental in their promotion and the evaluation of their impact.

3. Relevance to Council of Europe country strategies and country-specific needs: The Committee contributes to the Council of Europe’s acquis in the field of local and regional democracy, which is indispensable for assistance programmes.


Added value

1. The Council of Europe as leading agency, most important facilitator: The Council of Europe is the only international organisation in Europe where governments co-operate on local and regional democracy. The institutional and co-operation questions dealt by the LR-IC committee are very topical in many member states.

2. Projects covering ‘new ground’: The LR-IC Committee works to exchange views, identify good practices, develop new standards, policies and tools on questions that are considered topical by member states as regards the legal framework, the institutional structure and transfrontier

co-operation of local and regional government.

3. Possibility of partnerships with other international organisations: Benelux Union and Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) on transfrontier co-operation; Assembly of European Regions (AER) on regional self-government; Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) on institutional aspects and citizen participation.

4. Avoiding duplication: No duplication exists within or outside the Council of Europe. The intergovernmental work of the LR-IC is entirely complementary with the work of the Congress, which treats the questions of local and regional democracy from the local and regional authorities’ point of view.

Financial information:

The LR-IC (… members) meets once, or if necessary, twice a year.

The estimated budget per year (two meetings) is about €50 400:

€34 000 (experts' costs) + €7 800 (interpretation costs) + €8 000 (translation costs) + €600 (production of documents costs).

Draft terms of reference of the Committee of Experts on local and regional government institutions and co-operation (LR-IC)


Name of Committee:

Committee of Experts on local and regional government institutions and co-operation (LR-IC)


Type of Committee:

Committee of Experts


Source of terms of reference:

Committee of Ministers, on the proposal of the European Committee on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR)


Terms of reference:





Having regard to:

Resolution Res(2005)47 on committees and subordinate bodies, their terms of reference and working methods;

the Warsaw Declaration and Action Plan adopted at the Third Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe (16-17 May 2005), in particular its Chapter 1.3 – “Strengthening democracy, good governance and the rule of law in member states”;

the Utrecht Declaration and Utrecht Agenda adopted by the Council of Europe Ministers responsible for Local and Regional Government on 17 November 2009;

Under the authority of the European Committee on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR) and in relation with the implementation of the Programme Local Governance (Democracy/Local Democracy) of the Draft Programme and 2011 budget of the Council of Europe, the Committee is instructed to:

assist the CDLR in the implementation of all activities relating to the legal framework, institutional structure and transfrontier co-operation of local and regional government and in the implementation of its communication strategy.


Membership of the Committee:



Governments of member states are entitled to appoint representatives of the highest possible rank and with particular work experience in the fields of competence of the Committee, having regard to its agenda. 

The Council of Europe budget will bear the travel and subsistence expenses for one representative for each of the following … member states: to be determined (by the CDLR)





The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe may send representatives to meetings of the Committee, without the right to vote and at the charge of its administrative budget.

The Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe may send representatives to meetings of the Committee, without the right to vote and at the charge of the sending body.





Other participants

The European Union may send representatives to meetings of the Committee, without the right to vote or defrayal of expenses.

The states with observer status with the Council of Europe (Canada, Holy See, Japan, Mexico and United States of America) may send representatives to meetings of the Committee, without the right to vote or defrayal of expenses.

The following intergovernmental organisations may send representatives to meetings of the Committee, without the right to vote or defrayal of expenses:

- Benelux Union;

- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD);

- United Nations Specialised Agencies.



The following non-governmental organisations may send representatives to meetings of the Committee, without the right to vote or defrayal of expenses:

- Assembly of European Regions (AER);

- Association of European Border Regions (AEBR);

- Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR);

- International Federation for Housing and Planning (IFHP).


Working methods and structures:

The Committee may have recourse, where necessary, to the services of consultants within the limits of available budgetary appropriations.



These terms of reference will expire on 31 December 2011.


Committee of Experts on local and regional  finance and public services


Fact Sheet

Name of Committee:

Committee of Experts on local and regional finance and public services (LR-FS)

Compliance with Resolution Res(2005)47:



Local Governance (Democracy/Local Democracy)


Action Plan of the Third Summit: Chapter 1.3 – “Strengthening democracy, good governance and the rule of law in member states”:

Contribution to core values: The Committee’s work contributes to reinforce the action capacities of local governments in member states and consequently, democracy, good governance and respect of the rule of law in member states.

Additional criteria:

1. Political justification/framework: Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Local and Regional Government and Ministerial Declarations: Budapest (2005), Valencia (2007) and Utrecht (2009).

2. Consolidation, promotion, implementation of Council of Europe standards: The CDLR develops and keeps up to date intergovernmental standards (conventions and recommendations), promotes them and evaluates their impact. The LR-FS Committee prepares future standards by its in-depth activities in the fields of financial management, resources and public services at local and regional level.

3. Relevance to Council of Europe country strategies and country-specific needs: The Committee contributes to the Council of Europe’s acquis in the field of local and regional democracy, which is indispensable for assistance programmes.

Added value

1. The Council of Europe as leading agency, most important facilitator: The Council of Europe is the only international organisation in Europe where governments co-operate on local and regional democracy. The questions relating to local and regional finance, performance management and relations with the private sector are very topical aspects of good governance in many member states.

2. Projects covering “new ground”: The LR-FS Committee works to exchange views, identify good practices, and to develop new standards, policies and tools on questions that are considered topical by member states as regards finance and public services at local and regional level.

3. Possibility of partnerships with other international organisations: OECD Fiscal Decentralisation Initiative, OECD Fiscal Relations Network, World Bank Institute on local and regional finance questions.

4. Avoiding duplication: No duplication exists within or outside the Council of Europe. The Congress is a participant in the LR-FS.

Financial information:

The LR-FS (… members) meets once, or if necessary, twice a year.

The estimated budget per year (two meetings) is about €40 200:

€23 800 (experts' costs) + €7 800 (interpretation costs) + €8 000 (translation costs) + €600 (production of documents costs).

Draft terms of reference of the Committee of Experts on local and regional finance and public services (LR-FS)


Name of Committee:

Committee of Experts on local and regional finance and public

services (LR-FS)


Type of Committee:

Committee of Experts


Source of terms of reference:

Committee of Ministers, on the proposal of the European Committee on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR)


Terms of reference:






Having regard to:

Resolution Res(2005)47 on committees and subordinate bodies, their terms of reference and working methods;

the Warsaw Declaration and Action Plan adopted at the Third Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe (16-17 May 2005), in particular its Chapter 1.3 – “Strengthening democracy, good governance and the rule of law in member states”;

the Utrecht Declaration and Utrecht Agenda adopted by the Council of Europe Ministers responsible for Local and Regional Government on 17 November 2009;

Under the authority of the European Committee on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR) and in relation with the implementation of the Programme Local Governance (Democracy/Local Democracy) of the Draft Programme and 2011 budget of the Council of Europe, the Committee is instructed to:

assist the CDLR in the implementation of all activities relating to finance and public services at local and regional level and in the implementation of its communication strategy.


Membership of the Committee:



Governments of member states are entitled to appoint representatives of the highest possible rank and with particular work experience in the fields of competence of the Committee and in the light of the items appearing on its agenda.

The Council of Europe budget will bear the travel and subsistence expenses for one representative for each of the following … member states: to be determined (by the CDLR)





The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe may send representatives to meetings of the Committee, without the right to vote and at the charge of its administrative budget.

The Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe may send representatives to meetings of the Committee, without the right to vote and at the charge of the sending body.





Other participants

The European Union may send representatives to meetings of the Committee, without the right to vote or defrayal of expenses.

The states with observer status with the Council of Europe (Canada, Holy See, Japan, Mexico and United States of America) may send representatives to meetings of the Committee, without the right to vote or defrayal of expenses.

The following intergovernmental organisations may send representatives to meetings of the Committee, without the right to vote or defrayal of expenses:

- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD);

- United Nations Specialised Agencies.



The following non-governmental organisations may send representatives to meetings of the Committee, without the right to vote or defrayal of expenses:

- Assembly of European Regions (AER);

- Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR);

- International Federation for Housing and Planning (IFHP).


Working methods and structures:

The Committee may have recourse, where necessary, to the services of consultants within the limits of available budgetary appropriations.



These terms of reference will expire on 31 December 2011.


Reimbursement request form

COUNTRY …………………………………

Committee of experts for which the reimbursement of expenses is requested

(in order of priority, 1 being the highest priority)



Committee of experts on local and regional government institutions

and co-operation (LR-IC)

Committee of experts on good democratic governance at local and regional level (LR-GG)

Committee of experts on local and regional finance and public services

