Strasbourg, 21 March 2014                                                               CDDG(2014)OJ1 rev.




Opening of the meeting: Thursday 3 April 2014 at 9.30 am

Close of the meeting: Friday 4 April 2014 at 6.00 pm

Council of Europe, Agora, Room G03, Strasbourg

The European Committee on Democracy and Governance is responsible for overseeing the Council of Europe’s intergovernmental work in the field of democratic governance.

1.            Opening of the meeting

The meeting will be opened by Mr Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe.

2.            Promoting Democratic Governance through Shared Experience

            [Working document CDDG(2014)1]

To achieve its aims, the CDDG will share information, disseminate best practice and develop, as appropriate, proposals for possible standards in its field of work. Exchanges will be structured around presentations by senior national experts on key topics of relevance to the Committee with a view to developing a compilation of best practice and guidelines emanating from initiatives in member States.

·                     Public administration and modernisation reforms in member States

Modernising democratic institutions, increasing efficiency in service provision, changing demographics or fiscal pressures are among the key drivers for the current wave of public administration reform in member States.

Through presentations and debate led by member States, the CDDG will share experience and identify good practice.

·                     Citizen participation and citizen engagement

Problems of citizen disengagement and falling electoral participation are growing across Europe, the challenge facing member States is how to reconnect with citizens.  The debate will focus on initiatives to strengthen citizen engagement and promote participationincluding through e-democracy and e-government.

·                     Promoting accountability and improving standards – developing local      service provision while ensuring appropriate oversight

Citizens’ demands for greater transparency, efficiency and accountability; finding the right balance of powers and functions between tiers of government; defining the role of elected bodies and agencies; rationalisation and amalgamation of service providers. The exchanges should serve to identify common problems and offer shared solutions, fostering a stronger resolve to share lessons and learn from each other.

3.            Enhancing cooperation, stimulating reflection and supporting reforms – The CDDG Peer Review

            [Working document CDDG(2014)2]

The Peer Review process, now included in the ToR of the CDDG, enables interested member States preparing public administration reforms to request advice and expertise from peers on specific issues related to the field of work of the committee.

4.            Assisting and supporting institutional reform – The Centre of Expertise   for Local Government Reform

The Centre is the operational arm of the CoE in the field of multi-level governance, supporting central, regional and local authorities to improve their institutional capacity and performance in delivering services and exercising public authority

·                     Presentation of activity of the Centre

          [Working document CDDG(2014)3]

à                     The Centre provides or coordinates legal assistance and implements in-country capacity-building programmes.

·                     Strategy for Innovation and Good Governance at Local Level

          [Working document CDDG(2014)4]

à                     Examine ways of simplifying the tools and procedures used for the promotion of the twelve principles of good democratic governance at local level, as well as means to increase their visibility

5.            Defining Democratic Principles in the Council of Europe context –

            A Reference text on the existing principles and standards of democracy

          [Working document CDDG(2014)5]

The Committee of Ministers has tasked the CDDG with advising on the necessity, purpose, scope, feasibility and budgetary and workload implications of preparing a draft reference text on the existing principles and standards of democracy.


·                     Discussion of working methods to prepare a response to the Committee of      Ministers based on stocktaking paper prepared by Secretariat

[Working document CDDG(2014)5 Addendum]


6.            Other Agenda Items

·                     Election of the Chair and Bureau

            [Working document CDDG(2014)6]

·                     Consideration by the Committee of Ministers of issues relating to the work of the       CDDG

            [Working document CDDG(2014)7]

à                      Decisions by the Committee of Ministers

à                      Other Developments

·                     Information on other Council of Europe bodies

            [Working document CDDG(2014)8]

·                     CDDG Work Programme

            [Working document CDDG(2014)9]

·                     Preparation of forthcoming meetings

·                     Recent developments in member States

Requests for observer status

[Working document CDDG(2014)10]

·                     Any other business

·                     Adoption of the abridged meeting report

            [Working document CDDG(2014)11]