Alliance of Cities and Regions for Roma Inclusion

Example of good practices

BIO-Knobelauch Romanes

18.06.2012 - In close cooperation with the Province of Styria (Austria), the City of Graz and numerous Roma organisations, the association EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURS started “Bio-Knoblauch Romanes” (Engl.: “Organic Garlic Romanes”), a socio-economic project aiming at improving life conditions and creating sustainable jobs for the European Roma population.

People from Roma origin often encounter problems when applying for jobs, in particular in East/ South-East Europe, which is partly due to a low education, the loss of traditional professions or racism. The Bio-Knoblauch project aims to tackle those problems by capacity building and creating a sustainable source of income and thereby also helping the Roma to integrate. In the light of the European garlic market, which is highly dependent on imports from China, the project seeks to introduce organic garlic from local production to consumers which will significantly lower the carbon footprint and strengthen the independence of the Roma community. The Roma participants to the programme were trained in garlic cultivations and were provided with secure accommodation.

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