21st Session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe

Local democracy is a cornerstone of democratic life in Finland

Strasbourg, 19.10.2011 –In a report, presented by Jean-Louis Testud (France) and adopted at the 21st Plenary Session, the Congress noted with satisfaction that local democracy is a cornerstone of democratic life in Finland, with the legitimacy of the exercise of power firmly rooted in the principles of subsidiarity and local democracy. “I am pleased to see that the Charter of Local Self-Government is applied to the letter and that Finland has an exemplary culture of consultation and involvement of local authorities by central government”, Mr Testud stated.

The Congress invited the Finnish authorities to continue “to take steps to limit local deficits” so as to avoid budgetary imbalances in certain municipalities. The Finnish authorities are also encouraged to evaluate the effect of the recent reorganisation of deconcentrated public services.

The report highlighs also the “need to strengthen the role of the Ombudsman” at local level by increasing funding. Furthermore, it was recommended that the Additional Protocol to the European Charter of Local Self-Government on the right to participate in local affairs as well as the Additional Protocols to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities, be signed and ratified by the Finnish authorities.