International symposium on ''Cultural tourism: Economic Benefit or Loss of Identity?''

28 and 29 September Dubrovnik (Croatia)

Statement by the First Vice-President of the Chamber of Local Authorities of the Congress, Dubravka SUICA, Mayor of Dubrovnik, Croatia

Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen:

As the First Vice-President of the Chamber of Local Authorities of the Congress of Europe and as Mayor of Dubrovnik, I am honored to welcome you to Dubrovnik, a city that has always been in the cradle of European culture and heritage.

First of all, I would like to extend my gratitude to the European Association of Historic Towns and Regions and the Committee of Culture and Education of the Chamber of Local Authorities for having chosen Dubrovnik as the venue for this symposium. This is an opportunity for all of you to experience the well protected cultural heritage of Dubrovnik which we have managed to preserve and rebuild in spite of war and earthquakes and, of course, the rising number of visitors, a topic specifically addressed by this symposium.

Cultural heritage is a tangible reminder of the importance of our roots, of our cross-border ties and of the legacy handed down to us across the ages, and we all aspire to preserve it for future generations. To determine the best practices for protecting our own heritage, we can look toward the models presented by local governments of neighboring countries. Greater efforts must be invested in coordinating international and regional activity to improve heritage protection practices at local levels. Local authorities have an important and demanding role in balancing the needs of citizens in modern societies with the needs of cultural heritage protection. Thus, local authorities must be empowered in the field of cultural heritage.  Local authorities have the best insight into the situation and should have the ability to react immediately.

For that reason, following the experience of other European countries, we initiated the founding of Croatian Association of Historic Towns and Regions. More than 50 towns and municipalities showed interest and by the end of 2006, the founding assembly will be held here, in Dubrovnik. As the City of Dubrovnik as the member of EAHTR is an exception, we look forward to constitution of Croatian association which will help us in further protection of our heritage.

Conferences and symposia, like this one, enable us not only to learn from each other, but also to learn about each other’s cultures, thus respecting and accepting our cultural differences, which make us only richer.

Dubrovnik, like all cities with rich cultural heritage, is proud of its inheritance, and of its history, which are deeply interwoven with and give direction to, its modern life. Thus, citizens of Dubrovnik can truly say that history is the great teacher of life. (Historia est magistra vitae)

The glory of the golden age of the Dubrovnik Republic, especially in the 15th and 16th centuries, owed much to its excellent diplomacy and strong merchant marine. Through these contacts, the Republic had widespread influence on various nations and cultures. These, in turn, have left visible traces on the area over the centuries, as rulers and empires changed.

Many experts in our city work on preserving our cultural and historical monuments, and are employed at various institutions. They continually cooperate with colleagues from numerous local and international institutions.  Together we endeavor to preserve the cultural heritage, which has been left to us by our ancestors, in its original form. We endeavor to repair immediately anything which is damaged or defaced and return it to its original state, for the heritage of the city of Dubrovnik belongs not only to Croatia but to the entire world, as proclaimed by UNESCO since 1979 on its list of protected world heritage sites. We especially work to emphasize proactive education of our citizens and visitors, so that malicious damage can be prevented.

For decades, Dubrovnik has been among the most popular and prestigious tourist destinations in the world. The pleasant climate, and moreover, the heritage and cultural significance, attract enormous numbers of visitors each year.  This leads to some discord in the overall life and activity of the town.  A discrepancy is created between modern ways of presenting heritage and efforts toward its preservation -- between aspirations for the preservation of identity and ordinary ways of life, and commercialization, which is the inevitable byproduct of tourism.

This discrepancy is most visible when thousands of cruise boat visitors tour the historic town nucleus, which was built with only a few thousand people in mind. Traffic problems, crowded stores and crammed restaurants undoubtedly lead to lower quality of service as an unwanted byproduct. The new infrastructure and facilities, which we plan to build, will significantly improve the quality of services offered and will lead towards our final aim – a development of year around tourist season. Or simply, we aim to have lower number of visitors but higher revenue for the City. 

A common feature of modern towns and cities is the historic urban core. In this context, a frequently raised question is how to best attract and involve communities in the conservation of cultural heritage. Thereby, we need to recognize that local people must play a part within decision making processes as they affects places where they live. Only by engaging people at a local level can we hope to cultivate a long term future for the heritage around us.

We have to answer the question:”

Ladies and gentlemen, I am convinced that our Symposium will be a fruitful experience for every delegate. Prominent experts from various fields gather here in Dubrovnik, united by the unique goal of preserving our European cultural heritage, and I hope that this symposium will give answers to the question: “How does value of heritage impact people’s everyday lives?” Our conclusion would be: “We have to turn threats into opportunities!”

I look forward to our debates and I would like to thank you for your attention.