Strasbourg, 1985 st  March 9 28 February71620 March  February25 4 November/novembre January / 25 janvier16 JanuaryMarch February/ févrierjanviermarsfévrier  200547





(CEPEJ-GT 2004)




(CEPEJ-GT 2004)




Working group on mediationON


 L’EVALUATION DES SYSTEMES JUDICIAIREgroupe de travail sur la médiationS

Network of pilot courts

reseau des tribunaux-referents


2nd plenary 1st  meeting

 / 1ère réunnion 

StrasbourgStrasbourg, 19 March Romania/ Bucarest, 238 - 10 - 25 , MarchFebruary / févriermarsavril 2007

CONCLUSIONS65 of Romania

Room  /Salle 14 17

3rd Meeting / 3ème réunion

8-10 November / novembre 2004

Palais de l’Europe - Room / Salle 15



The members of the CEPEJ Network of Pilot courts met in Strasbourg for their second plenary meeting on 19 March 2007. Taking into account the "Working programme with the Pilot courts for 2007" (CEPEJ(2006)12), they agreed on the following points regarding the operational cooperation with the CEPEJ.


1.         In orTder too ensure the proper information of the Network, the CEPEJ and its Secretariat wereare invited:

§  to encourage the CEPEJ's members to have regular contacts with the representatives of the Network to inform them on the work of the CEPEJ and to collect their comments and suggestions;

§  to update the main information regarding the individual courts of the Network(composition, number of cases processed etc.);

§  to pursue the development of the CEPEJ Web site dedicated to the Network;

§  to send the CEPEJ Newsletter to all members of the Network;

§  to forward in due time to the members of the Network the relevant documents of the CEPEJ;

§  to organise a new plenary meeting of the NetwrokNetwork in 2008.

2.         In order tTo strengthen information of the national judiciary on the work of the CEPEJ, the members of the Network wereare invited:

§  to inform their colleagues in the judiciary through relevant channels, in particular professionalorganisations, general assembly of judges, etc;

§  to post a hyperlink to the CEPEJ web site on the web site of the court, where appropriate, or to other relevant web sites.

3.         In order tTo develop a horizontal communication between the members of the Network, representatives of the Pilot courts awere invited:

§  to make proper use of the Forum of discussion accessible from the CEPEJ Web site.


4.         In order tTo strengthen the information and participation of their own court's staff, representatives of the pilot courts weare invited:

§  to regularly forward regularly information on the work of the CEPEJ to their colleagues, through relevant channels, including, where appropriate, court's generalassembliesy, intranet, etc;

§  to organise the active participation of their colleagues in the reflection and work of the court expected as member of the Network.

5.         In order tTo enlarge to other courts, where appropriate, the Network's reflection and participation in the work of the CEPEJ (and to get trends, indicators, etc), the members of the Network weare invited:

§  to seek for the comments, opinions or answers to questionnaires from other relevant courts of their country.

6.         In order tTo play a leading role at national level in implementing CEPEJ's initiatives, the members of the Network weare invited:

§  to organise specific events within their court to celebrate the European Day of Justice (25 October) and to inform the Secretariat ofn these initiatives, to be posted on the CEPEJ Web site;

§  to participate, where appropriate, in the European Prize of innovative practices contributing to the quality of justice; "The Crystal Scales of Justice" (to take place in 2008) or/and to encourage other courts to do so.


The Pilot courts weareinvited to participate actively in at least one of the following tasks (being

understood that their participation in several  tasks would be most welcomed).

7.         As regards the CEPEJ's process for evaluating European judicial systems, the members of the Network weare invited:

§  to compare the data concerning their country which appear in the CEPEJ Report"European judicial systems – Edition 2006" with the local situation in their court and forward to the Secretariat comments and, where appropriate, explanations on possible discrepancies between the national and local situation.

8.         As regards the work of the CEPEJ's SATURN Centre for study and analysis of judicial time management, the members of the Network were invited:

§  to experiment in their court the usefulness of the "Time management checklist" (CEPEJ(2005)12) and submit to the Secretariat by 15 September 2007 their comments on the relevance of the questions listed and their possible suggestions for improving the efficiency of this tool;

§  for those courts which have not yet done so, to submit to the Secretariat by 30 June  2007 their comments on the "Compendium of best practices on time management of judicial proceedings" (CEPEJ(2006)13), including possible new practices to be included into this evolutive document;

§  to answer as soon as possible and no later than 1 June 2007 to the specific questionnaire which would be submitted to them by the Groupe de Pilotage of the SATURN Centre to have a concrete evaluation of judicial timeframes in the courts and to organise the dissemination of this questionnaire, where appropriate, to other courts to improve the relevance and quality of the answers.

9.         As regards the work of the CEPEJ-GT-QUAL on quality of justice, the members of the Network wereare invited:

§  to comment on the list of elements of quality which are proposed in the document CEPEJ-GT-QUAL(2007)4 and to indicate to the Secretariat before 1 June 2007 those elements:

-     which can be considered as a priority,

-     which seem superfluous or irrelevant,

-     which should be added;

§  to send to the Secretariat before 1 June 2007 information on possible quality programmes or actions and/or indicators used within the court to measure the quality of justice.

10.       As regards the work of the CEPEJGT-MED on mediation, the members of the Network were invited:

§  to comment on the draft guidelines for a better implementation of the existing recommendations concerning family and civil mediation which are contained in the document CEPEJ(2006)17 and indicate to the Secretariat before 1 June 2007 those guidelines:

-     which can be considered as a priority,

-     which seem irrelevant,

-     which should be added;

§  moreover, knowing that similar guidelines would be drafted concerning penal mediation, to indicate which specific guidelines could be added in this respect;

§  to send to the Secretariat before 1 June 2007 detailed data concerning successful mediation procedures in order to illustrate the guidelines on mediation and to encourage courts and public authorities to set up mediation procedures.

1.Adoption of the agenda

            /Adoption de l’ordre du jour

Discussion concerning the      elements to examine in order to assess the impact in the States of the existing Recommendations concerning mediation/

Discussion concernant les éléments à examiner pour mesurer l’impact des les Etats des Recommandations existantes concernant la médiation

Working documents/Documents de travail

List of Recommendations of the Committee of Ministers on mediation/

Liste des Recommandations du Comité des Ministres concernant la médiation

CEPEJ-GT-MED (2006) 1

Methodological elements to examine in order to assess the impact in the States of the existing Recommendations concerning mediation/

Eléments de méthodologie pour mesurer l’impact des les Etats des Recommandations existantes concernant la médiation

CEPEJ-GT-MED (2006) 2 ..

5.         Analyse of the work of other institutions concerning the mediation/

Analyse des travaux des autres institutions concernant la médiation

            Direct follow-up Implementation  timeframes of  proceedings

Mise en œuvre  de procédure

Preparation of concrete measures concerning these lines of action

Elaboration des mesures concrètes concernant ces lignes d’action

Working document / Document de travail

Comments from Member States on the Framework Programme

Commentaires des Etats Membres sur le Programme cadre


 tool ais of

6.         Setting-up of a network of pilot courts

            Mise en place du Réseau de tribunaux-référents


tEvaluating      JS

Specific analysis of the data of the Report on European judicial systems 2002 regarding judicial timeframes, to guide orient the work of the Task Force

Revision of the Scheme for evaluating judicial system as regards judicial timeframes

Analyse spécifique des données du “Rapport sur les systèmes judiciaires européens 2002” concernant les délais de procédure, de manière à orienter les travaux de la Task Force

Révision de la Grille pour l’évaluation des systèmes judiciaires en matière de délais de procédure

Révision de la Grille pour l’évaluation des systèmes judiciaires en matière de délais de procédure

ssFramework Programme: “A new objective for judicial systems:

the processing of each case within an optimum and foreseeable timeframe”

Programme cadre:  “Un nouvel objectif pour les systèmes judiciaires:

 le traitement de chaque affaire dans un délai optimum et prévisible ” 

CEPEJ (2004) 19 Rev

Report on European judicial systems 2002

Rapport sur les systèmes judiciaires européens 2002

CEPEJ(2004)30 Final


Draft Projet de


Information documents/Documents d’information

7.         Setting-up of a network of pilot courts

            Mise en place du Réseau de tribunaux-référents

Report « Evaluating judicial systems »

Implementation of a communication strategy to ensure the appropriate advertisement of the report / mise en place d’une stratégie de communication assurant la publicité appropriée du rapport

Organisation of the Conference aiming at presenting the report / Organisation de la Conférence de présentation du rapport

Working document/Document de travail

CEPEJ(2004)30 Final

Revise the Pilot-Scheme in view of collecting the 2004 data

ØSelection of the Lines of Action for 2005 / Sélection des lignes d’action pour 2005

ØPreparation of draft terms of reference for the Working Group in charge of the delays/ Préparation du projet de mandat du Groupe de travail chargé des délais

ØStrategies on the consultation and the publicity concerning the framework programme/ Stratégies sur la consultation et la publicité concernant le programme-cadre

Working documents/documents de travail

Framework-Programme / Programme-Cadre

CEPEJ (2004) 19 Rev

Draft terms of reference of the Working Group for 2005 /

Projet de mandat du Groupe de travail pour 2005

4.Tools for communication of CEPEJ:  exploring the modalities which would make it possible for the CEPEJ to play a role of clearing house for the relevant documents regarding the efficiency of justice, in particular through its internet Web site/Outils de communication de la CEPEJ: réflexion sur les modalités qui permettraient à la CEPEJ de remplir une fonction de "clearing house" des documents pertinents en matière d'efficacité de la justice en particulier grâce à l'utilisation de son Site Internet

Working documents/documents de travail

Setting up the "CEPEJ Files/Mise en place des "Dossiers de la CEPEJ

CEPEJ-BU (2004) 3

Some guiding reflections on the operation of the CEPEJ

CEPEJ (2004) 26

5.Draft Evaluation Report of Judicial Systems 2002/Projet de Rapport d'évaluation des systèmes judiciaires 2002

Working documents/documents de travail

Report on the CEPEJ evaluation scheme by Roland Eshuis (Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek en Documentatie Centrum Ministry of Justice, The Netherlands)

CEPEJ-GT (2004) 1 rev.

(English only)

Comments on survey

CEPEJ-GT (2004) 2

(English only)

Questions and answers

CEPEJ-GT (2004) 3

(English only)

Draft terms of reference of the Working Group for 2005 /

Projet de mandat du Groupe de travail pour 2005

3.Any other business/Divers



3.Background documents/Documents de référence

3.                        Report of the 2nd meeting CEPEJ-GT 2004/Rapport de la 2ème réunion du CEPEJ-GT 2004

3.CEPEJ (2004) 24


3.Report of the 3rdmeeting of the CEPEJ / Rapport de la 3ème  réunion de la CEPEJ

3.CEPEJ (2004) 20


3.Report of the Meeting of the national correspondents responsible for collecting data under the Pilot Scheme for Evaluating Judicial Systems/ Compte-rendu de la Réunion des Correspondants nationaux chargés de la collecte des données concernant la Grille-Pilote pour l’évaluation des systèmes judiciaires

3.CEPEJ (2004) 25


3.Pilot-Scheme of evaluating judicial system / Grille-pilote d’évaluation des systèmes judiciaires

3.CEPEJ (2003) 36 Addendum I


3.CEPEJ- Activity Programme 2004 / Programme d’activité 2004 de la CEPEJ

3.CEPEJ (2003) 29 Rev

Working document/document de travail

Pilote Scheme for evaluating judicial systems / Grille-Pilote pour l’évaluation des systemes  judicidiares


2004 data collection / Collecte des données 2004

To draw up a list of essential data for evaluation purposes and to make recommendations so t hat States organise their statistics collection systems / Etablir une liste desdonnées pour l’évaluation et la formulation des recommandations afin de permettre aux Etats d’organiser leur systeme de collecte statistique

6.Elaboration of the 2006 working plan for of the CEPEJ-GT-MEDGT-EVAL

             / Elaboration du Pplan de travail du CEPEJ-GT-EVGT-MEDAL pour 20056

            Possible involvement of scientific experts / observers in the work of the Task ForceWorking Groupe

            Possible implication d’experts scientifiques/observateurs dans les travaux du Groupe         de travail

            Next meetings: 14-16 September 2005 / 67-98November 20065

Next meetings:

Future meetings // Réunions futures:

: 6468September March / marsseptembre  /

7-9 November/novembre 2005          

Possible implication d’experts scientifiques / observateurs dans les traaux de la Task Force

Réunions futures : 14-16 septembre 2005 / 76-89 novembre 20065

7Other business/Questions diverses

GeneralInformation  documents / Documents d’informationgénéraux

Report of the 64th  plenary meeting / Rapport de la 64ème réunion plénière

CEPEJ (20054) 3316 Rev.

Report of the 7th meeting of the Bureau of the CEPEJ/Rapport de la 7ème réunion du Bureau de la CEPEJ

CEPEJ-BU (2006) 3

Programme of activities 2006/Programme d’activités 2006

CEPEJ (2005) 9

Medium Term Activity Programme/Programme d’activités à moyen terme

CEPEJ (2005) 10

Relevant Council of Europe Resolutions and Recommendations

in the field of efficiency and fairness of justice/

Résolutions et Recommandations pertinentes du Conseil de l’Europe

dans le domaine de l’efficacité et de l’équité de la justice

CEPEJ (2003) 7 rev

Resolution Res(2002)12 establishing the European Commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ)/

Résolution Res(2002)12 établissant la Commission européenne pour l’efficacité de la justice (CEPEJ)

CEPEJ/GENERAL (2003) 1 rev.

Rules of procedure of the CEPEJ/Règles de procédure de la CEPEJ

CEPEJ/GENERAL (2003)3 er , Romania

Reference document

Programme of activities 2007

CEPEJ(2006) 9

Reference documents

Report "European judicial systems – Edition 2006"

established j

Working document

Working programme with the Pilot courts for 2007


Reference document

Presentation of the 6 honoured projects

Reference document

Users’ guide

ose to e implementation and realization legal professionals Draft Activity Programme 2005 / Projet de Programme d’activités 2005

CEPEJ(2004)27 REV 3

6.         Other business / Questions diversesnTour de Table Members and re and visionsf“test pilots” y out certain developed b0

The objective of this work in commissions is to obtain from Pilot courts, on the three concerned themes (which constitute the three major current pillars of work of the CEPEJ), concrete suggestions and remarks on the content of the working documents below mentioned.

For each of these three themes, concrete questions are proposed (see below) in order to organise discussions during commissions.


Questions to organise the discussions

1) Do you best practices on time management of judicial proceedings to suggest and which are not mentioned in the working document of the CEPEJ? Are some mentioned best practices transposable in your court? If no, do you have suggestions in order to enable such transposition (more details, directs contacts between concerned courts, etc.)? In general, is this document useful to reduce lengths of proceedings?

2) Could you give details concerning the concrete use of the checklist in your court? How could we improve its implementation within courts (obstacles to its use, others subjects to deal with, etc.)?

3) Which other concrete documents / tools could be prepared by the CEPEJ targeted to the policy makers and judicial practitioners in the member states to contribute to reduce lengths of judicial proceedings?

Working documents

Compendium: "Best practices on time management of judicial proceedings”

CEPEJ(2006) 13

Check list of time management


Reference documents

Report on "Length of court proceedings based on the case-law of the ECHR"

CEPEJ(2006) 15

Report on "Time management in judicial systems: A Northern, Europe study "

CEPEJ(2006) 14

Questions to organise the discussions

1) What should be included into the concept of "quality of justice" and what should not be addressed in this context?

2) Which specific issues should be addressed by the CEPEJ to design concrete tools for improving the quality of justice (for instance: users' satisfaction; quality of court decisions, etc.)?Are pillars mentioned in the working document relevant?

3) Which concrete documents / tools could beprepared by the CEPEJ targeted to the policy makers and judicial practitioners in the member states to contribute to a better quality of justice systems?

Working document

CEPEJ-GT-QUAL (2007) 4 (to come)

Questions to organise the discussions

1) Which specific measures could be added to the existing ones or deleted in the working document, in order to improve the implementation of the principles of mediation?

2) Do you have suggestions to improve measures already included in the working document?

2) Do you have concrete suggestions as regards specific measures for a better implementation of principles of mediation in penal and administrative matters (the existing document concerns yet only civil and family mediation)?

3) Which other concrete documents / tools could be prepared by the CEPEJ targeted to the policy makers and judicial practitioners in the member states to contribute to a better implementation of mediation in Europe?

Working document

Guidelines for a better implementation of the existing Recommendations

concerning family and civil mediation


Reference document

List of Recommendations of the Committee of Ministers on mediation

CEPEJ-GT-MED (2006) 1


 Ms. Valeria Dumitrache, Chief Inspector, Judiciary Inspection of Superior Council of Magistracy


16.15   The importance to identify causes and remedies for excessive duration of judicial proceedings


MsMs. Valeria DUMITRACHE, Chief Inspector, Judiciary Inspection of Superior Council of Magistracy of Romania

aTour de Table Members and rwithin own respective s

rospects Tour de table Members and rand ideas on further Minister of Justice,